TYKS_reduced: ePCR model fitted to the Turku University Hospital cohorts...

TYKS_reducedR Documentation

ePCR model fitted to the Turku University Hospital cohorts (features derived from text mining only)


ePCR model fitted to the Turku University Hospital cohorts (features derived from text mining only)




An object of class PEP of length 1.


Notice that in order to save space, some slots in the S4 object have been set to null.


Teemu Daniel Laajala teelaa@utu.fi


Laajala TD, Murtojärvi M, Virkki A, Aittokallio T. ePCR: an R-package for survival and time-to-event prediction in advanced prostate cancer, applied to a real-world patient cohort. Laajala TD, Murtojärvi M, Virkki A, Aittokallio T. ePCR: an R-package for survival and time-to-event prediction in advanced prostate cancer, applied to a real-world patient cohort. Bioinformatics. 2018 Jun 15. doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/bty477.

ePCR documentation built on May 29, 2024, 11:58 a.m.