Man pages for eaf
Plots of the Empirical Attainment Function

attsurf2dfConvert a list of attainment surfaces to a data.frame
choose_eafdiffplotInteractively choose according to empirical attainment...
CPFsConditional Pareto fronts obtained from Gaussian processes...
eafdiffCompute empirical attainment function differences
eafdiffplotPlot empirical attainment function differences
eaf-packageComputation and visualization of the empirical attainment...
eafplotPlot the Empirical Attainment Function for two objectives
eafsExact computation of the EAF in 2D or 3D
epsilonEpsilon metric
gcp2x2Metaheuristics for solving the Graph Vertex Coloring Problem
hv_contributionsHypervolume contribution of a set of points
HybridGAResults of Hybrid GA on vanzyl and Richmond water networks
hypervolumeHypervolume metric
igdInverted Generational Distance (IGD and IGD+) and Averaged...
largest_eafdiffIdentify largest EAF differences
nondominatedIdentify, remove and rank dominated points according to...
normaliseNormalise points
pdf_cropRemove whitespace margins from a PDF file (and maybe embed...
read_datasetsRead several data sets
SPEA2minstoptimeRichmondResults of SPEA2 when minimising electrical cost and...
SPEA2relativeRichmondResults of SPEA2 with relative time-controlled triggers on...
SPEA2relativeVanzylResults of SPEA2 with relative time-controlled triggers on...
VorobVorob'ev computations
whv_hypeApproximation of the (weighted) hypervolume by Monte-Carlo...
whv_rectCompute (total) weighted hypervolume given a set of...
write_datasetsWrite data sets
eaf documentation built on March 31, 2023, 9:08 p.m.