API for easyalluvial
Generate Alluvial Plots with a Single Line of Code

Global functions
%>% Man page
add_imp_plot Man page Source code
add_marginal_histograms Man page Source code
alluvial_long Man page Source code
alluvial_model_response Man page
alluvial_model_response_caret Man page
alluvial_model_response_parsnip Man page
alluvial_wide Man page Source code
apply_cuts Source code
check_degree Source code
check_empty_lvl Source code
check_pkg_installed Man page Source code
expect_doppelganger Source code
get_data_space Man page
get_most_frequent_lvl Source code
get_pdp_predictions Man page
get_pdp_predictions_seq Man page
manip_bin_numerics Man page Source code
manip_factor_2_numeric Man page Source code
mtcars2 Man page
palette_filter Man page Source code
palette_increase_length Man page Source code
palette_plot_intensity Man page Source code
palette_plot_rgp Man page Source code
palette_qualitative Man page Source code
plot_all_hists Man page Source code
plot_condensation Man page Source code
plot_hist Man page Source code
plot_hist_long Source code
plot_hist_model_response Source code
plot_hist_wide Source code
plot_imp Man page Source code
pretty_num Source code
pretty_num_vec Source code
quarterly_flights Man page
quarterly_sunspots Man page
tidy_imp Man page Source code
titanic Man page
easyalluvial documentation built on May 29, 2024, 5:32 a.m.