# satisfy CMDcheck
if(getRversion() >= "2.15.1"){
utils::globalVariables( c('x', '.', ':=', 'alluvial_id', 'fill_flow', 'fill_value', 'value'
, 'fill', 'easyalluvialid', 'total', 'perc', 'label', 'prefix', 'lvl'
, 'cum_imp', 'variable', 'label', 'len', 'ori', 'bin'
, 'colors', 'rwn', 'value_col', 'var_num', 'y', 'predict', 'plotted'
, 'const_values', 'Importance', 'Variable', 'Sign') )
#'@title alluvial plot of data in wide format
#'@description plots a dataframe as an alluvial plot. All numerical variables
#' are scaled, centered and YeoJohnson transformed before binning. Plots all
#' variables in the sequence as they appear in the dataframe until maximum
#' number of values is reached.
#'@param data a dataframe
#'@param id unquoted column name of id column or character vector with id column
#' name
#'@param max_variables maximum number of variables, Default: 20
#'@param bins number of bins for numerical variables, Default: 5
#'@param bin_labels labels for the bins from low to high, Default: c("LL", "ML",
#' "M", "MH", "HH")
#'@param NA_label character vector, define label for missing data, Default: 'NA'
#'@param order_levels character vector denoting levels to be reordered from low
#' to high
#'@param fill_by one_of(c('first_variable', 'last_variable', 'all_flows',
#' 'values')), Default: 'first_variable'
#'@param col_vector_flow HEX colors for flows, Default: palette_filter( greys =
#' F)
#'@param col_vector_value Hex colors for y levels/values, Default:
#' RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(9, "Greys")[c(3, 6, 4, 7, 5)]
#'@param colorful_fill_variable_stratum logical, use flow colors to colorize
#' fill variable stratum, Default: TRUE
#'@param verbose logical, print plot summary, Default: F
#'@param stratum_labels logical, Default: TRUE
#'@param stratum_label_type character, Default: "label"
#'@param stratum_label_size numeric, Default: 4.5
#'@param stratum_width double, Default: 1/4
#'@param auto_rotate_xlabs logical, Default: TRUE
#'@param ... additional arguments passed to
#' \code{\link[easyalluvial]{manip_bin_numerics}}
#'@return ggplot2 object
#'@details Under the hood this function converts the wide format into long
#' format. ggalluvial also offers a way to make alluvial plots directly from
#' wide format tables but it does not allow individual colouring of the stratum
#' segments. The tradeoff is that we can only order levels as a whole and not
#' individually by variable, Thus if some variables have levels with the same
#' name the order will be the same. If we want to change level order
#' independently we have to assign unique level names first.
#' @examples
#' alluvial_wide( data = mtcars2, id = ids
#' , max_variables = 3
#' , fill_by = 'first_variable' )#'
#' # more coloring variants----------------------
#' alluvial_wide( data = mtcars2, id = ids
#' , max_variables = 5
#' , fill_by = 'last_variable' )
#' alluvial_wide( data = mtcars2, id = ids
#' , max_variables = 5
#' , fill_by = 'all_flows' )
#' alluvial_wide( data = mtcars2, id = ids
#' , max_variables = 5
#' , fill_by = 'first_variable' )
#' # manually order variable values and colour by stratum value
#' alluvial_wide( data = mtcars2, id = ids
#' , max_variables = 5
#' , fill_by = 'values'
#' , order_levels = c('4', '8', '6') )
#'@seealso \code{\link[easyalluvial]{alluvial_wide}} ,
#' \code{\link[ggalluvial]{geom_flow}} , \code{\link[ggalluvial]{geom_stratum}}
#' , \code{\link[easyalluvial]{manip_bin_numerics}}
#'@rdname alluvial_wide
#'@importFrom RColorBrewer brewer.pal
#'@importFrom forcats fct_relevel
#'@importFrom ggalluvial stat_stratum geom_flow geom_stratum StatStratum
#'@importFrom magrittr %>%
alluvial_wide = function( data
, id = NULL
, max_variables = 20
, bins = 5
, bin_labels = c('LL', 'ML', 'M', 'MH', 'HH')
, NA_label = 'NA'
, order_levels = NULL
, fill_by = 'first_variable'
, col_vector_flow = palette_qualitative() %>% palette_filter( greys = F)
, col_vector_value = RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(9, 'Greys')[c(4,7,5,8,6)]
, colorful_fill_variable_stratum = T
, verbose = F
, stratum_labels = T
, stratum_label_type = "label"
, stratum_label_size = 4.5
, stratum_width = 1/4
, auto_rotate_xlabs = T
, ...
# quos
id = enquo( id )
if( rlang::quo_is_null(id) ){
id_str = NULL
id_str = quo_name(id)
# save params to attach to plot later
params = list(
id = id_str
, max_variables = max_variables
, bins = bins
, bin_labels = bin_labels
, NA_label = NA_label
, order_levels = order_levels
, fill_by = fill_by
, col_vector_flow = col_vector_flow
, col_vector_value = col_vector_value
, verbose = verbose
, stratum_labels = stratum_labels
, stratum_width = stratum_width
, auto_rotate_xlabs = auto_rotate_xlabs
# get variables
variables = names(data)
if( ! is_empty(id_str %in% variables) ) variables = variables[ ! variables %in% id_str ]
# adjust variable length
if( max_variables > length(variables) ) max_variables = length(variables)
variables = unique(variables)
variables = variables[1:max_variables]
# prepare ID column
if( rlang::quo_is_null(id) ){
data = data %>%
mutate( ID = row_number() )
id_str = 'ID'
data = data %>%
mutate( !! := as.character( !! ) )
# organise fill argument
fill_by = switch (fill_by
, first_variable = variables[1]
, last_variable = variables[ length(variables) ]
, all_flows = 'alluvial_id'
, values = 'value'
# reduce data to selected variables
data = data %>%
select( one_of(variables, id_str) )
# ungroup
data = ungroup(data)
# transform numerical variables for binning
data = data %>%
manip_bin_numerics( bins, bin_labels, NA_label = NA_label, ... )
# strings as factor
char_cols = names( select_if(data, is.character) )
char_cols = char_cols[ char_cols %in% variables]
if(! is_empty(char_cols)){
data = data %>%
mutate_at( .vars = vars( one_of(char_cols) ), as.factor )
# to ensure dbplyr 0.8.0. compatibility we
# transform factors to character before grouping
# and back after grouping
factor_cols = names( select_if(data, is.factor) )
factor_cols = factor_cols[ factor_cols %in% variables]
data_trans = data %>%
select( one_of(variables) ) %>%
mutate_at( .vars = vars( one_of(factor_cols) ), as.character ) %>%
group_by_all() %>%
count() %>%
ungroup() %>%
mutate( alluvial_id = row_number() ) %>%
mutate_at( .vars = vars( one_of(factor_cols) ), as.factor )
data_alluvial = data %>%
mutate_if( is.factor, as.character ) %>%
left_join( mutate_if(data_trans, is.factor, as.character) ) %>%
select( one_of( id_str, 'alluvial_id') )
# preserve order of categorical variables
ordered_levels = data %>%
select( one_of(variables) ) %>%
select_if( is.factor ) %>%
head(1) %>%
mutate_all( function(x) list(levels(x)) ) %>%
gather( key = 'key', value = 'levels') %>%
unnest( c(levels) ) %>%
.$levels %>%
if( ! is.null(order_levels) ){
ordered_levels = ordered_levels[ ! ordered_levels %in% order_levels ]
ordered_levels = c( order_levels, ordered_levels)
# Prepare dataframe
# this code contains duplicated code sections but the different fill options require
# different transformations. I have marked the sections where there are
# differences with ## ***
if( fill_by != 'value' ){
data_new <- data_trans %>%
mutate( fill = !! ) %>% ## ***
gather( key = 'x', value = 'value', - alluvial_id, - n , - fill) %>% ## ***
mutate( value = ifelse(, NA_label, value )
, value = as.factor(value)
, value = forcats::fct_relevel( value, ordered_levels )
, value = forcats::fct_rev(value)
, x = as.factor(x)
, x = forcats::fct_relevel(x, variables)
, fill = as.factor(fill) ## ***
, alluvial_id = as.factor(alluvial_id)
data_new <- data_trans %>%
gather( key = 'x', value = 'value', - alluvial_id, - n ) %>% ## ***
mutate( value = ifelse(, NA_label, value )
, value = as.factor(value)
, value = forcats::fct_relevel( value, ordered_levels )
, value = forcats::fct_rev(value)
, x = as.factor(x)
, x = forcats::fct_relevel(x, variables)
, fill = as.factor(value) ## ***
, alluvial_id = as.factor(alluvial_id)
n_flows = max( manip_factor_2_numeric( data_new$alluvial_id) )
reduced_to = round( n_flows/nrow(data) * 100, 1 )
max_weight = max( data_new$n )
max_weight_perc = round( max_weight/nrow(data) * 100, 1 )
line1 = paste('Number of flows:', n_flows)
line2 = paste('Original Dataframe reduced to', reduced_to, '%' )
line3 = paste('Maximum weight of a single flow', max_weight_perc, '%')
if( verbose ){
print( line1 )
print( line2 )
print( line3 )
caption = paste( line1, line2, line3, sep = '\n' )
if(n_flows >= 1500){
print( line1 )
print( line2 )
print( line3 )
warning( paste( n_flows, ' flows are a lot and the plot will take a long time to render') )
#adjust col_vector length fill flows
n_colors_needed = length( unique(data_new$fill) )
col_vector_flow = palette_increase_length( col_vector_flow, n_colors_needed )
order_fill_cols = ordered_levels[ ordered_levels %in% unique(data_new$fill) ]
df_fill_flow = tibble( fill = unique(data_new$fill) ) %>%
mutate( fill = fct_relevel(fill, order_fill_cols) ) %>%
arrange( fill ) %>%
mutate( fill_flow = col_vector_flow )
data_new = data_new %>%
mutate( fill = fct_relevel(fill, order_fill_cols) ) %>%
left_join( df_fill_flow )
# adjust col_vector length fill value
n_colors_needed = length( unique(data_new$value) )
col_vector_value = palette_increase_length( col_vector_value, n_colors_needed )
order_value_cols = ordered_levels[ ordered_levels %in% unique(data_new$value) ]
df_fill_value = tibble( value = unique(data_new$value) ) %>%
mutate( value = fct_relevel(value, order_value_cols) ) %>%
arrange( value ) %>%
mutate( fill_value = col_vector_value )
data_new = data_new %>%
mutate( value = fct_relevel(value, order_value_cols) ) %>%
left_join( df_fill_value )
data_new = data_new %>%
mutate( value = fct_rev(value)
, fill = fct_rev(fill) )
data_new = data_new %>%
mutate( fill_value = ifelse( x == fill_by, fill_flow, fill_value) )
p <- ggplot(data_new,
aes(x = x
, stratum = value
, alluvium = alluvial_id
, y = n
, label = value)) +
ggalluvial::geom_flow(stat = "alluvium"
, lode.guidance = "leftright"
, aes( fill = fill_flow
, color = fill_flow )
, width = stratum_width
) +
ggalluvial::geom_stratum( aes(fill = fill_value
, color = fill_value)
, width = stratum_width
) +
theme(legend.position = "none" ) +
scale_fill_identity() +
scale_color_identity() +
labs( x = '', y = 'count', caption = caption)
if(stratum_label_type == "label"){
p = p + geom_label( stat = ggalluvial::StatStratum
, size = stratum_label_size )
} else if (stratum_label_type == "text"){
p = p + geom_text( stat = ggalluvial::StatStratum
, size = stratum_label_size )
# angle x labels------------------------------------
max_length_x_level = levels( data_new$x ) %>%
map_int( nchar ) %>%
if( max_length_x_level > 5 & auto_rotate_xlabs ){
p = p +
theme( axis.text.x = element_text( angle = 90 ) )
# attach alluvial_id to id keys
data_key = data_new %>%
mutate( alluvial_id = manip_factor_2_numeric(alluvial_id) ) %>%
left_join( data_alluvial, relationship = "many-to-many" ) %>%
select( - fill_flow, -fill_value, -fill ) %>%
spread( key = x, value = value ) %>%
select( one_of(id_str, variables, 'alluvial_id', 'n' ) ) %>%
mutate_if( is.factor, fct_drop)
p$data_key = data_key
p$alluvial_type = 'wide'
p$alluvial_params = params
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