Coding style conventions"

options(knitr.kable.NA = "", digits = 2)

  comment = ">",
  dpi = 450,
  message = FALSE,
  warning = FALSE

Following conventions apply to the easystats-ecosystem, to ensure that function and argument names as well as element names for return-values follow a consistent pattern across all packages.

Importing other packages

Package versioning


print functions

Function names

Argument names

Element / Column names (for returned data frames)

1) First letter of the column name is capital, unless (6) applies (example: Parameter).

2) First letter of nouns is capital, unless (6) applies (example: ROPE_Percentage, Prior_Scale).

3) Using underscore rather than camelCase to separate words (example: CI_high).

4) Multiple words: common/main part first and adjective/specifier/variational part after, unless (8) applies (example: Median_standardized, ROPE_percentage).

5) Abbreviations: all uppercase (example: ESS, MCSE, ROPE).

6) Keep conventions for reserved words (example: p, pd, Rhat).

7) Adjectives / verbs: all lower case, unless (1) applies (example: high or low in CI_high or CI_low).

8) In case of multiple occurrences of column names that indicate the same measure or content (like CI_low or SE), the common part is appended as suffix to the context specific part (example: CI_low and Eta2_partial_CI_low, and not CI_low and CI_low_Eta2_partial).

9) The "squared" term in column names that refers to "common" statistics (Eta2, Chi2, Omega2, ...) should be written as 2, not sq, squared or pétit-deux (example: Chi2, and not Chisq, Eta2, and not Eta_squared). This rule does not apply to function names.

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easystats documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 7:59 p.m.