Man pages for eatATA
Create Constraints for Small Test Assembly Problems

acrossFormsConstraintConstrain the sum of item values across multiple forms.
analyzeBlockExclusionAnalyze block exclusiveness
analyzeComplexBlockExclusionAnalyze complex block exclusiveness
appendSolutionAppend a 'useSolver' output
autoItemValuesMinMaxConstraintCreate single value constraints with minimum and maximum.
calculateIIFCalculate Item Information Function
cappedMaximinObjectiveCapped Maximin Constraint.
combineConstraintsCombine constraints
computeTargetValuesCompute target values based on the item pool.
depletePoolConstraintUse complete item pool.
dummiesToFactorConvert dummy variables to factor.
get_mean_3PLNCalculate Cumulants Lognormal Response Time Distribution
getMean3PLNCalculate Cumulants Lognormal Response Time Distribution
inspectSolutionInspect a 'useSolver' output
itemCategoryConstraintCreate item category constraints.
itemCategoryRangeConstraintCreate item category constraints with minimum and maximum.
itemExclusionConstraintCreate item inclusion or exclusion constraints.
items_diaoSmall simulated item pool example.
items_lsaSimulated item pool example.
items_miniSmall simulated item pool example.
itemsPerFormConstraintCreate number of items per test form constraints.
items_pilotSmall simulated item pool example.
items_veraSmall artificial item pool example.
itemTuplesCreate item tuples.
itemUsageConstraintCreate item usage constraints.
itemValuesConstraintConstrain the sum of item values per form.
itemValuesRangeConstraintCreate single value constraints with minimum and maximum.
matrixExclusionTuplesCreate item exclusion tuples from matrix.
maximinObjectiveMaximin Constraint.
maxObjectiveMax Constraint.
minimaxObjectiveMinimax Constraint.
minObjectiveMin Constraint.
stemInclusionTuplesCreate item inclusion tuples from item stem.
useSolverUse a solver for a list of constraints.
eatATA documentation built on May 29, 2024, 2:56 a.m.