View source: R/itemExclusionConstraint.R
itemExclusionConstraint | R Documentation |
Create constraints that prohibit that item pairs occur in the same test forms (exclusions) or force item pairs to be in the same test forms (inclusions).
whichForms = seq_len(nForms),
info_text = NULL
whichForms = seq_len(nForms),
info_text = NULL
nForms |
Number of forms to be created. |
itemTuples |
itemIDs |
Character vector of item IDs in correct ordering. |
whichForms |
An integer vector indicating which test forms should be constrained. Defaults to all the test forms. |
info_text |
a character string of length 1, to be used in the |
Item tuples can, for example, be created by the function itemTuples
An object of class "constraint"
: item pair exclusion constraints
: item pair inclusion constraints
## Simple Exclusion Example
# item-IDs
IDs <- c("item1", "item2", "item3", "item4")
# exclusion tuples: Item 1 can not be in the test form as item 2 and 3
exTuples <- data.frame(v1 = c("item1", "item1"), v2 = c("item2", "item3"),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# inclusion tuples: Items 2 and 3 have to be in the same test form
inTuples <- data.frame(v1 = c("item2"), v2 = c("item3"),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# create constraints
itemExclusionConstraint(nForms = 2, itemTuples = exTuples, itemIDs = IDs)
itemInclusionConstraint(nForms = 2, itemTuples = inTuples, itemIDs = IDs)
## Full workflow for exclusions using itemTuples
# Example data.frame
items <- data.frame(ID = c("item1", "item2", "item3", "item4"),
infoCol = c("item2, item3", NA, NA, NA))
# Create tuples
exTuples2 <- itemTuples(items = items, idCol = "ID", infoCol = "infoCol",
sepPattern = ", ")
## Create constraints
itemExclusionConstraint(nForms = 2, itemTuples = exTuples2, itemIDs = IDs)
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