get_data: Retrieve data from the ECB Statistical Data Warehouse API

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get_dataR Documentation

Retrieve data from the ECB Statistical Data Warehouse API


Retrieve data from the ECB Statistical Data Warehouse API


get_data(key, filter = NULL, ...)



A character string identifying the series to be retrieved


A named list with additional filters (see details)


Arguments passed to GET (e.g. timeout(10) to add maximum request time)


The filter option of get_data() takes a named list of key-value pairs. If left blank, it returns all data for the current version.

Available filter parameters:

  • startPeriod & endPeriod

    • YYYY for annual data (e.g.: 2013)

    • YYYY-S[1-2] for semi-annual data (e.g.: 2013-S1)

    • YYYY-Q[1-4] for quarterly data (e.g.: 2013-Q1)

    • YYYY-MM for monthly data (e.g.: 2013-01)

    • YYYY-W[01-53] for weekly data (e.g.: 2013-W01)

    • YYYY-MM-DD for daily data (e.g.: 2013-01-01)

  • updatedAfter

    • A timestamp to retrieve the latest version of changed values in the database since a certain point in time

    • Example: filter = list(updatedAfter = 2009-05-15T14:15:00+01:00)

  • firstNObservations & lastNObservations

    • Example: filter = list(firstNObservations = 12) retrieves the first 12 observations of all specified series

  • detail

    • Possible options: full/dataonly/serieskeysonly/nodata

    • dataonly is the default

    • Use serieskeysonly or nodata to list series that match a certain query, without returning the actual data

    • An alternative to using serieskeys/nodata is the convenience function get_dimensions(), which returns a list of dataframes with dimensions and explanations (see extended example below).

    • full returns both the series values and all metadata. This entails retrieving much more data than with the 'dataonly' option.

  • includeHistory (not currently implemented)

    • false (default) returns only version currently in production

    • true returns version currently in production, as well as all previous versions

See the SDW API for more details.


A data frame


# Get monthly data on annualized euro area headline HICP
hicp <- get_data("ICP.M.U2.N.000000.4.ANR")

ecb documentation built on April 20, 2023, 5:07 p.m.