dstablecnt: Stable Count distribution

View source: R/lamp-stable-cnt-distribution-method.R

dstablecntR Documentation

Stable Count distribution


Implements the stable count distribution (based on stabledist package) for stable random walk simulation. Quartic stable distribution is implemented through gamma distribution.


dstablecnt(x, alpha = NULL, nu0 = 0, theta = 1, lambda = NULL)

pstablecnt(x, alpha = NULL, nu0 = 0, theta = 1, lambda = NULL)

rstablecnt(n, alpha = NULL, nu0 = 0, theta = 1, lambda = NULL)

qstablecnt(q, alpha = NULL, nu0 = 0, theta = 1, lambda = NULL)

cfstablecnt(s, alpha = NULL, nu0 = 0, theta = 1, lambda = NULL)

kstablecnt(alpha = NULL, nu0 = 0, theta = 1, lambda = NULL)



numeric, vector of responses.


numeric, the shape parameter, default is NULL. User must provide either alpha or lambda.


numeric, the location parameter, default is 0.


numeric, the scale parameter, default is 1.


numeric, alternative shape parameter, default is NULL.


numeric, number of observations.


numeric, vector of quantiles.


numeric, vector of responses for characteristic function.


numeric, standard convention is followed: d* returns the density, p* returns the distribution function, q* returns the quantile function, and r* generates random deviates. The following are our extensions: k* returns the first 4 cumulants, skewness, and kurtosis, cf* returns the characteristic function.


The stable count distribution is the conjugate prior of the stable distribution. The density function is defined as

N_α(ν; ν_0, θ) = α/Γ(1/α) * 1/(ν-ν_0) * L_α(1/(ν-ν_0))

where ν>ν_0. α is the stability index, ν_0 is the location parameter, and θ is the scale parameter.
At α=0.5 aka λ=4, it is called "quartic stable count distribution", which is a gamma distribution with shape of 3/2. It has the closed form of

N_α(ν; ν_0, θ) = 1/(4 sqrt(π) θ^1.5) (ν-ν_0)^0.5 exp(-(ν-ν_0)/(4θ))


Stephen H-T. Lihn


For more detail, see Section 2.4 and Section 3.3 of Stephen Lihn (2017). A Theory of Asset Return and Volatility under Stable Law and Stable Lambda Distribution. SSRN: 3046732, https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3046732. This distribution is also documented formally in Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stable_count_distribution.


  # generate the pdf of the VIX distribution
  x <- c(0, 100, by=0.1)
  pdf <- dstablecnt(x, nu0=10.4, theta=1.6, lambda=4)

ecd documentation built on May 10, 2022, 1:07 a.m.