#' A dataset containing only 1000 raws of the ECH 2018
#' @family dataset
#' @format A data frame with 1000 rows and 579 variables:
#' \describe{
#' \item{numero}{household id}
#' \item{nper}{ }
#' \item{anio}{ }
#' \item{mes}{ }
#' \item{dpto}{ }
#' \item{nomdpto}{ }
#' \item{secc}{ }
#' \item{segm}{ }
#' \item{loc_agr_13}{ }
#' \item{nom_loc_agr_13}{ }
#' \item{ccz}{ }
#' \item{barrio}{ }
#' \item{nombarrio}{ }
#' \item{estred13}{ }
#' \item{region_3}{ }
#' \item{region_4}{ }
#' \item{pesoano}{ }
#' \item{pesotri}{ }
#' \item{pesomen}{ }
#' \item{c1}{ }
#' \item{c2}{ }
#' \item{c3}{ }
#' \item{c4}{ }
#' \item{c5_1}{ }
#' \item{c5_2}{ }
#' \item{c5_3}{ }
#' \item{c5_4}{ }
#' \item{c5_5}{ }
#' \item{c5_6}{ }
#' \item{c5_7}{ }
#' \item{c5_8}{ }
#' \item{c5_9}{ }
#' \item{c5_10}{ }
#' \item{c5_11}{ }
#' \item{c5_12}{ }
#' \item{c6}{ }
#' \item{d8_1}{ }
#' \item{d8_2}{ }
#' \item{d8_3}{ }
#' \item{d8_4}{ }
#' \item{d9}{ }
#' \item{d10}{ }
#' \item{d11}{ }
#' \item{d12}{ }
#' \item{d13}{ }
#' \item{d14}{ }
#' \item{d15}{ }
#' \item{d16}{ }
#' \item{d18}{ }
#' \item{d260}{ }
#' \item{d19}{ }
#' \item{d20}{ }
#' \item{d21_1}{ }
#' \item{d21_2}{ }
#' \item{d21_3}{ }
#' \item{d21_4}{ }
#' \item{d21_4_1}{ }
#' \item{d21_5}{ }
#' \item{d21_5_1}{ }
#' \item{d21_6}{ }
#' \item{d21_20}{ }
#' \item{d21_7}{ }
#' \item{d21_8}{ }
#' \item{d21_9}{ }
#' \item{d21_10}{ }
#' \item{d21_11}{ }
#' \item{d21_12}{ }
#' \item{d21_13}{ }
#' \item{d21_14}{ }
#' \item{d21_14_1}{ }
#' \item{d21_15}{ }
#' \item{d21_15_1}{ }
#' \item{d21_15_2}{ }
#' \item{d21_15_3}{ }
#' \item{d21_15_4}{ }
#' \item{d21_15_5}{ }
#' \item{d21_15_6}{ }
#' \item{d21_16}{ }
#' \item{d21_16_1}{ }
#' \item{d21_16_2}{ }
#' \item{d21_17}{ }
#' \item{d21_18}{ }
#' \item{d21_18_1}{ }
#' \item{d21_19}{ }
#' \item{d21_19_1}{ }
#' \item{d181}{ }
#' \item{d229}{ }
#' \item{d230}{ }
#' \item{d231}{ }
#' \item{d232}{ }
#' \item{d184}{ }
#' \item{d184_1}{ }
#' \item{d23}{ }
#' \item{d24}{ }
#' \item{d25}{ }
#' \item{h155}{ }
#' \item{h155_1}{ }
#' \item{h156}{ }
#' \item{h156_1}{ }
#' \item{h252}{ }
#' \item{h252_1}{ }
#' \item{h158_1}{ }
#' \item{h158_2}{ }
#' \item{h159}{ }
#' \item{h160}{ }
#' \item{h160_1}{ }
#' \item{h160_2}{ }
#' \item{h161}{ }
#' \item{h162}{ }
#' \item{h163_1}{ }
#' \item{h163_2}{ }
#' \item{h164}{ }
#' \item{h165}{ }
#' \item{h227}{ }
#' \item{h166}{ }
#' \item{h269}{ }
#' \item{h269_1}{ }
#' \item{h167_1}{ }
#' \item{h167_1_1}{ }
#' \item{h167_1_2}{ }
#' \item{h167_2}{ }
#' \item{h167_2_1}{ }
#' \item{h167_2_2}{ }
#' \item{h167_3}{ }
#' \item{h167_3_1}{ }
#' \item{h167_3_2}{ }
#' \item{h167_4}{ }
#' \item{h167_4_1}{ }
#' \item{h167_4_2}{ }
#' \item{h169}{ }
#' \item{h170_1}{ }
#' \item{h170_2}{ }
#' \item{h271}{ }
#' \item{h271_1}{ }
#' \item{h171}{ }
#' \item{h171_1}{ }
#' \item{h171_2}{ }
#' \item{h172}{ }
#' \item{h172_1}{ }
#' \item{h173}{ }
#' \item{h173_1}{ }
#' \item{i228}{ }
#' \item{i174}{ }
#' \item{i259}{ }
#' \item{i175}{ }
#' \item{ht1}{ }
#' \item{ht2}{ }
#' \item{ht3}{ }
#' \item{ht4}{ }
#' \item{ht5}{ }
#' \item{ht6}{ }
#' \item{ht7}{ }
#' \item{ht8}{ }
#' \item{ht9}{ }
#' \item{ht10}{ }
#' \item{ht11}{ }
#' \item{ht13}{ }
#' \item{ht14}{ }
#' \item{ht19}{ }
#' \item{yhog}{ }
#' \item{ysvl}{ }
#' \item{lp_06}{ }
#' \item{li_06}{ }
#' \item{e557}{ }
#' \item{e558}{ }
#' \item{e26}{ }
#' \item{e27}{ }
#' \item{e29_1}{ }
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#' \item{e29_5_1}{ }
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#' \item{e185}{ }
#' \item{e186_1}{ }
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#' \item{e186_4}{ }
#' \item{e37}{ }
#' \item{e37_2}{ }
#' \item{e234_2}{ }
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#' \item{e45_1}{ }
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#' \item{e45_2}{ }
#' \item{e45_2_1}{ }
#' \item{e45_2_1_1}{ }
#' \item{e45_2_2}{ }
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#' \item{e45_3}{ }
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#' \item{e45_3_1_1}{ }
#' \item{e45_3_2}{ }
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#' \item{e45_7_1}{ }
#' \item{e237}{ }
#' \item{e46}{ }
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#' \item{e190}{ }
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#' \item{e48}{ }
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#' \item{e238}{ }
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#' \item{e196}{ }
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#' \item{e51_2}{ }
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#' \item{e200_1}{ }
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#' \item{e202_6_1}{ }
#' \item{e202_7}{ }
#' \item{e51_4}{ }
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#' \item{e562}{ }
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#' \item{e51_7}{ }
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#' \item{e51_10}{ }
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#' \item{e225}{ }
#' \item{e51_11}{ }
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#' \item{e559}{ }
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#' \item{e560}{ }
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#' \item{e561}{ }
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#' \item{e59}{ }
#' \item{e246}{ }
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#' \item{e60}{ }
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#' \item{e250}{ }
#' \item{e64_1}{ }
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#' \item{e64_5}{ }
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#' \item{e64_7}{ }
#' \item{e65}{ }
#' \item{f66}{ }
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#' \item{f261}{ }
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#' \item{f77}{ }
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#' \item{f124_2}{ }
#' \item{f124_3}{ }
#' \item{f124_4}{ }
#' \item{f124_5}{ }
#' \item{f125}{ }
#' \item{g_id_1}{ }
#' \item{g_id_2}{ }
#' \item{g_id_3}{ }
#' \item{g_id_1a}{ }
#' \item{g_id_2a}{ }
#' \item{g_id_3a}{ }
#' \item{g126_1}{ }
#' \item{g126_2}{ }
#' \item{g126_3}{ }
#' \item{g126_4}{ }
#' \item{g126_5}{ }
#' \item{g126_6}{ }
#' \item{g126_7}{ }
#' \item{g126_8}{ }
#' \item{g250_1}{ }
#' \item{g250_2}{ }
#' \item{g250_5}{ }
#' \item{g250_3}{ }
#' \item{g250_4}{ }
#' \item{g127}{ }
#' \item{g127_1}{ }
#' \item{g127_2}{ }
#' \item{g127_3}{ }
#' \item{g128}{ }
#' \item{g128_1}{ }
#' \item{g129}{ }
#' \item{g129_1}{ }
#' \item{g129_2}{ }
#' \item{g130}{ }
#' \item{g130_1}{ }
#' \item{g131}{ }
#' \item{g131_1}{ }
#' \item{g132}{ }
#' \item{g132_1}{ }
#' \item{g132_2}{ }
#' \item{g132_3}{ }
#' \item{g133}{ }
#' \item{g133_1}{ }
#' \item{g133_2}{ }
#' \item{g_st_1}{ }
#' \item{g134_1}{ }
#' \item{g134_2}{ }
#' \item{g134_3}{ }
#' \item{g134_4}{ }
#' \item{g134_5}{ }
#' \item{g134_6}{ }
#' \item{g134_7}{ }
#' \item{g134_8}{ }
#' \item{g251_1}{ }
#' \item{g251_2}{ }
#' \item{g251_3}{ }
#' \item{g251_4}{ }
#' \item{g251_5}{ }
#' \item{g135}{ }
#' \item{g135_1}{ }
#' \item{g135_2}{ }
#' \item{g135_3}{ }
#' \item{g136}{ }
#' \item{g136_1}{ }
#' \item{g137}{ }
#' \item{g137_1}{ }
#' \item{g137_2}{ }
#' \item{g138}{ }
#' \item{g138_1}{ }
#' \item{g139}{ }
#' \item{g139_1}{ }
#' \item{g140}{ }
#' \item{g140_1}{ }
#' \item{g140_2}{ }
#' \item{g140_3}{ }
#' \item{g141}{ }
#' \item{g141_1}{ }
#' \item{g141_2}{ }
#' \item{g_itnd_1}{ }
#' \item{g142}{ }
#' \item{g_itnd_2}{ }
#' \item{g143}{ }
#' \item{g144}{ }
#' \item{g144_1}{ }
#' \item{g144_2_1}{ }
#' \item{g144_2_2}{ }
#' \item{g144_2_3}{ }
#' \item{g144_2_4}{ }
#' \item{g144_2_5}{ }
#' \item{g_itnd_3}{ }
#' \item{g145}{ }
#' \item{g146}{ }
#' \item{g147}{ }
#' \item{g_it_1}{ }
#' \item{g148_1_1}{ }
#' \item{g148_1_2}{ }
#' \item{g148_1_3}{ }
#' \item{g148_1_4}{ }
#' \item{g148_1_5}{ }
#' \item{g148_1_6}{ }
#' \item{g148_1_7}{ }
#' \item{g148_1_8}{ }
#' \item{g148_1_9}{ }
#' \item{g148_1_12}{ }
#' \item{g148_1_10}{ }
#' \item{g148_1_11}{ }
#' \item{g_it_2}{ }
#' \item{g148_2_1}{ }
#' \item{g148_2_2}{ }
#' \item{g148_2_3}{ }
#' \item{g148_2_4}{ }
#' \item{g148_2_5}{ }
#' \item{g148_2_6}{ }
#' \item{g148_2_7}{ }
#' \item{g148_2_8}{ }
#' \item{g148_2_9}{ }
#' \item{g148_2_12}{ }
#' \item{g148_2_10}{ }
#' \item{g148_2_11}{ }
#' \item{g148_3}{ }
#' \item{g148_4}{ }
#' \item{g148_5_1}{ }
#' \item{g148_5_2}{ }
#' \item{g149}{ }
#' \item{g149_1}{ }
#' \item{g150}{ }
#' \item{g255}{ }
#' \item{g256}{ }
#' \item{g152}{ }
#' \item{g151_5}{ }
#' \item{g151_1}{ }
#' \item{g151_2}{ }
#' \item{g151_3}{ }
#' \item{g151_3_1}{ }
#' \item{g151_4}{ }
#' \item{g257}{ }
#' \item{g153}{ }
#' \item{g153_1}{ }
#' \item{g153_2}{ }
#' \item{g258}{ }
#' \item{g258_1}{ }
#' \item{g154}{ }
#' \item{g154_1}{ }
#' \item{pobpcoac}{ }
#' \item{subempleo}{ }
#' \item{mto_cuota}{ }
#' \item{mto_emer}{ }
#' \item{mto_hogcon}{ }
#' \item{mto_desay}{ }
#' \item{mto_almue}{ }
#' \item{mto_vacas}{ }
#' \item{mto_oveja}{ }
#' \item{mto_caball}{ }
#' \item{lecheenpol}{ }
#' \item{indaceliac}{ }
#' \item{indaucc}{ }
#' \item{indaemer}{ }
#' \item{pt1}{ }
#' \item{pt2}{ }
#' \item{pt4}{ }
#' \item{pobre06}{ }
#' \item{indigente06}{ }
#' \item{upm_id}{ }
#' \item{estrato}{ }
#' ...
#' }
#' @source \url{}
#' @details
#' Disclaimer: This script is not an official INE product.
#' Aviso: El script no es un producto oficial de INE.
#' A dataset containing only 1000 raws of the ECH 2018 income variables
#' @family dataset
#' @format A data frame with 1000 rows and 9 variables:
#' \describe{
#' \item{numero}{household id}
#' \item{mes}{}
#' \item{ht11}{}
#' \item{ysvl}{}
#' \item{ht13}{}
#' \item{ht19}{}
#' \item{dpto}{}
#' \item{pesoano}{}
#' \item{estred13}{}
#' \item{anio}{}
#' \item{region_4}{}
#' ...
#' }
#' @source \url{}
#' @details
#' Disclaimer: This script is not an official INE product.
#' Aviso: El script no es un producto oficial de INE.
#' A dataset containing variables names change of the ECH 2006-2018
#' @family dataset
#' @format A data frame with 976 rows and 21 variables:
#' \describe{
#' \item{codigos}{Code oh label}
#' \item{descripcion}{Description of label}
#' \item{modulo}{Module in the form 2017}
#' \item{obs}{Observations}
#' \item{unidad}{Level of variable household (H) individual (P) or general (G)}
#' \item{var06}{ECH variables names 2006}
#' \item{var07}{ECH variables names 2007}
#' \item{var08}{ECH variables names 2008}
#' \item{var09}{ECH variables names 2009}
#' \item{var10}{ECH variables names 2010}
#' \item{var11}{ECH variables names 2011}
#' \item{var12}{ECH variables names 2012}
#' \item{var13}{ECH variables names 2013}
#' \item{var14}{ECH variables names 2014}
#' \item{var15}{ECH variables names 2015}
#' \item{var16}{ECH variables names 2016}
#' \item{var17}{ECH variables names 2017}
#' \item{var18}{ECH variables names 2018}
#' \item{var19}{ECH variables names 2019}
#' \item{var21}{ECH variables names 2021 segundo semestre}
#' \item{var22}{ECH variables names 2022 primer semestre}
#' ...
#' @source \url{}
#' @details
#' Disclaimer: This script is not an official INE product.
#' Aviso: El script no es un producto oficial de INE.
#' A dataset containing the IPC base 2010 only for the Interior region
#' @family dataset
#' @format A data frame with 120 rows and 2 variables:
#' \describe{
#' \item{fecha}{date from 2011 to 2019}
#' \item{indice}{IPC}
#' }
#' @source \url{}
#' @details
#' Disclaimer: This script is not an official INE product.
#' Aviso: El script no es un producto oficial de INE.
#' A dataset containing the IPC base 2010 only for the Montevideo region
#' @family dataset
#' @format A data frame with 120 rows and 2 variables:
#' \describe{
#' \item{fecha}{date from 2011 to 2019}
#' \item{indice}{IPC}
#' }
#' @source \url{}
#' @details
#' Disclaimer: This script is not an official INE product.
#' Aviso: El script no es un producto oficial de INE.
#' A dataset containing the CBA and CBNA for the Montevideo region
#' @family dataset
#' @format A data frame with 234 rows and 4 variables:
#' \describe{
#' \item{fecha}{date from 2001 to 2020}
#' \item{cba_li}{CBA}
#' \item{cbna}{CBNA}
#' \item{cbt_lp}{CBT}
#' }
#' @source \url{}
#' @details
#' Disclaimer: This script is not an official INE product.
#' Aviso: El script no es un producto oficial de INE.
#' A dataset containing the CBA and CBNA for the Interior Urbano region
#' @family dataset
#' @format A data frame with 234 rows and 4 variables:
#' \describe{
#' \item{fecha}{date from 2001 to 2020}
#' \item{cba_li}{CBA}
#' \item{cbna}{CBNA}
#' \item{cbt_lp}{CBT}
#' }
#' @source \url{}
#' @details
#' Disclaimer: This script is not an official INE product.
#' Aviso: El script no es un producto oficial de INE.
#' A dataset containing the CBA and CBNA for the Interior Rural region
#' @family dataset
#' @format A data frame with 234 rows and 4 variables:
#' \describe{
#' \item{fecha}{date from 2001 to 2020}
#' \item{cba_li}{CBA}
#' \item{cbna}{CBNA}
#' \item{cbt_lp}{CBT}
#' }
#' @source \url{}
#' @details
#' Disclaimer: This script is not an official INE product.
#' Aviso: El script no es un producto oficial de INE.
#' A dataset containing the IPAB
#' @family dataset
#' @format A data frame with 286 rows and 2 variables:
#' \describe{
#' \item{fecha}{date from 1997 to 2020}
#' \item{indice}{IPAB}
#' }
#' @source \url{}
#' @details
#' Disclaimer: This script is not an official INE product.
#' Aviso: El script no es un producto oficial de INE.
#' A dataset containing the IPAB for the Interior region
#' @family dataset
#' @format A data frame with 108 rows and 2 variables:
#' \describe{
#' \item{fecha}{date from 2011 to 2019}
#' \item{indice}{IPAB}
#' }
#' @source \url{}
#' @details
#' Disclaimer: This script is not an official INE product.
#' Aviso: El script no es un producto oficial de INE.
#' A dataset containing the IPAB for the Montevideo region
#' @family dataset
#' @format A data frame with 108 rows and 2 variables:
#' \describe{
#' \item{fecha}{date from 2011 to 2019}
#' \item{indice}{IPAB}
#' }
#' @source \url{}
#' @details
#' Disclaimer: This script is not an official INE product.
#' Aviso: El script no es un producto oficial de INE.
#' A dataset containing the urls of INE datasets and diccionaries
#' @family dataset
#' @format A data frame with 9 rows and 4 variables:
#' \describe{
#' \item{yy}{date from 2011 to 2019}
#' \item{md_sav}{url for microdata download}
#' \item{upm_sav}{url for upm download}
#' \item{dic}{url for dictionary download}
#' }
#' @source \url{}
#' @details
#' Disclaimer: This script is not an official INE product.
#' Aviso: El script no es un producto oficial de INE.
#' A dataset containing the IPC base 2010
#' @family dataset
#' @format A data frame with 990 rows and 5 variables:
#' \describe{
#' \item{fecha}{date from 1937 to 2019}
#' \item{indice}{IPC}
#' \item{mensual}{mensual value of IPC}
#' \item{trimestre}{three-month period value of IPC}
#' \item{cuatrimestre}{four-month period value of IPC}
#' \item{semestre}{six-month period value of IPC}
#' \item{acum_ano}{acumulated IPC}
#' \item{acum_12_meses}{acumulated IPC last 12 month}
#' }
#' @source \url{}
#' @details
#' Disclaimer: This script is not an official INE product.
#' Aviso: El script no es un producto oficial de INE.
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