Introduction: Introduction

– Introduction –R Documentation



echarty provides a lean interface between R and Javascript library ECharts.
With only two major commands (ec.init and ec.upd), it can trigger multiple native ECharts options to build a chart.
The benefits - learn a very limited set of commands, and enjoy the full functionality of ECharts.



echarty provides a lean interface between R and Javascript library ECharts. We encourage users to follow the original ECharts API documentation to construct charts with echarty. The main command ec.init can set multiple native ECharts options to build a chart. The benefits - learn a very limited set of commands, and enjoy the full functionality of ECharts.

Package Conventions

pipe-friendly - supports both %>% and |> commands have three prefixes to help with auto-completion:

  • ec. for general functions, like ec.init

  • ecs. for Shiny functions, like ecs.output

  • ecr. for rendering functions, like


Event handling is usually necessary only in Shiny. See code in eshiny.R, run as demo(eshiny). echarty has three built-in event callbacks - click, mouseover, mouseout. All other ECharts events could be initialized through p$x$capture. Another option is to use p$x$on with JavaScript handlers, see code in ec.examples.

Widget x parameters

These are htmlwidget and ECharts initialization parameters supported by echarty. There are code samples for most of them in ec.examples:

  • capture = event name(s), to monitor events, usually in Shiny

  • on = define JavaScript code for event handling, see ECharts

  • registerMap = define a map from a geoJSON file, see ECharts

  • group = group-name of a chart, see ECharts

  • connect = command to connect charts with same group-name, see ECharts

  • locale = EN(default) or ZH, set from locale parameter of ec.init, see ECharts.

  • renderer = canvas(default) or svg, set from renderer in ec.init, see ECharts.

  • jcode = custom JavaScript code to execute, set from js parameter of ec.init

R vs Javascript numbering

R indexes are counted starting from 1. JS indexes are counted starting from 0. echarty supports R-counting in series-encode x,y,tooltip and visualMap-continuous dimension when set through ec.init. All other indexes like xAxisIndex, gridIndex, etc. need to be set in JS-counting (for now).

Code examples

Here is the complete list of sample code locations:

Global Options

Options are set with R command options. Echarty uses the following options:

  • echarty.theme = name of theme file, without extension, from folder ⁠/inst/themes⁠

  • echarty.font = font family name

  • echarty.urlTiles = tiles URL template for leaflet maps

echarty documentation built on June 22, 2024, 9:15 a.m.