ecolMod: A practical guide to ecological modelling - using R as a...

ecolMod-packageR Documentation

A practical guide to ecological modelling - using R as a simulation platform


Figures, data sets and examples from the book "A practical guide to ecological modelling - using R as a simulation platform" by Karline Soetaert and Peter MJ Herman (2009). Springer, 372 pp.

All figures from chapter x can be generated by demo(chapx), where x = 1 to 11.

The R-scripts of the model examples discussed in the book are in subdirectory "examples", ordered per chapter.

Solutions to model projects are in the same subdirectories.


Package: ecolMod
Type: Package
Version: 1.2.3
Date: 2011-03-15
License: GNU Public License 2 or above


Karline Soetaert (Maintainer) and Peter M.J. Herman

See Also

  • OMEXDIAsteady steady-state application of the OMEXDIA diagenetic model - a fortran DLL

  • SCOC a Sediment Community Oxygen Consumption (SCOC) dataset

  • Zoogrowtha zooplankton growth dataset

  • deepCmin results of the calibration exercise from chapter 4.4.4

  • dilution Draws dilution culture setup

  • pricefit Pseudo-random search algorithm of Price (1997)


## Not run: 
## show examples (see respective help pages for details)

## run demos
demo("chap1") # chapter 1. Introduction
demo("chap2") # chapter 2. Model formulation
demo("chap3") # chapter 3. Spatial components and transport
demo("chap4") # chapter 4. Parameterisation
demo("chap5") # chapter 5. Model solution - analytical methods
demo("chap6") # chapter 6. Model solution - numerical methods
demo("chap7") # chapter 7. Stability and steady-state
demo("chap8") # chapter 8. Multiple time scales and equilibrium processes
demo("chap9") # chapter 9. Discrete time models
demo("chap10") # chapter 10. Dynamic programming
demo("chap11") # chapter 11. Testing and validating the model

## open the directory with source code of demos
browseURL(paste(system.file(package="ecolMod"), "/demo", sep=""))

## open the directory with book examples
browseURL(paste(system.file(package="ecolMod"), "/doc/examples", sep=""))

## ecolMod vignette:

## End(Not run)

ecolMod documentation built on Nov. 16, 2022, 1:06 a.m.