CEICAplotter: Plots cost-effectiveness and incremental cost analysis

View source: R/CEICAplotter.R

CEICAplotterR Documentation

Plots cost-effectiveness and incremental cost analysis


CEICAplotter Plots Cost-effective Incremental Cost Analysis (CEICA) in *.jpeg format.


CEICAplotter(altnames, benefit, cost, CE, BB, figure.name)



vector of numerics or characters as unique restoration action identifiers.


a vector of restoration benefits. Typically, these are time-averaged ecological outcomes (e.g., average annual habitat units). Often project benefits are best presented as the "lift" associated with a restoration action (i.e., the benefits of an alternative minus the benefits of a "no action" plan).


a vector of restoration costs. Typically, these are monetary costs associated with a given restoration action such as project first cost or annualized economic cost. Notably, these functions are agnostic to units, so costs could also be non-monetary such as lost political capital or social costs of each alternative.


numeric vector of 0's and 1's indicating whether a plan is cost-effective (1) or non-cost-effective (0). Can be derived from ecorest::CEfinder.


numeric vector of 0's and 1's indicating whether a plan is a best buy (1) or not (0). Can be derived from ecorest::BBfinder.


output figure file name structured as "filename.jpeg".


A multi-panel *.jpeg figure summarizing cost-effectiveness and incremental cost analyses.


Robinson R., Hansen W., and Orth K. 1995. Evaluation of environmental investments procedures manual interim: Cost effectiveness and incremental cost analyses. IWR Report 95-R-1. Institute for Water Resources, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Alexandria, Virginia


#Identify cost-effective actions based on random vectors of benefits and costs
altnames<- paste("Alt",seq(1,50), sep="")
benefit <- runif(50,min=0,max=10)
cost <- runif(50, min=0,max=1000)
CE <- CEfinder(benefit, cost)
BB <- BBfinder(benefit, cost, CE)[[1]][,4]
CEICAplotter(altnames, benefit, cost, CE, BB, tempfile("CEICAexample",fileext=".jpeg"))

ecorest documentation built on Sept. 13, 2024, 1:09 a.m.