edstan-package: Stan for item response theory

Description Details See Also


edstan attempts to make easy the fitting of standard item response theory models using rstan.


A user will generally want to use the following functions (in order) to fit a model:

  1. irt_data to format the data,

  2. irt_stan to fit a model, and

  3. print_irt_stan to view some results.

Additionally, labelled_integer is some times helpful for data formatting and stan_columns_plot creates a plots of convergence and other statistics by parameter vector. The package also includes six Stan models (see irt_stan for a list) and two example datasets (aggression and spelling).

It is expected that once a user is comfortable fitting pre-defined edstan models, they will write their own Stan models and fit them with stan, for which irt_stan is a wrapper.

See Also

Case studies for each of the edstan models have been published.

Rasch and two-parameter logistic models


(Generalized) partial credit model


(Generalized) rating scale model


edstan documentation built on May 2, 2019, 4:18 a.m.