Man pages for eechidna
Exploring Election and Census Highly Informative Data Nationally for Australia

aec_add_carto_faec_add_carto_f - computes and binds the cartogram...
aec_carto_faec_carto_f - run dorling on data centers
aec_carto_join_faec_carto_join_f - bind the cartogram coordinates to original...
aec_extract_faec_extract_f - extract subsets geographically
allocate_electorateDetermine which electoral division contains the centroid from...
censusAustralian Census data on all electorates
circleDraw a circle
complete_colorAuto complete (or cut) a vector to a fixed length
dorlingProduce a Pseudo-Dorling Cartogram.
extract_centroidsExtract centroids from the polygons within a shapefile.
first_preferenceFirst preference votes for candidates (House of...
firstpref_pollingbooth_downloadDownload first preference voting data from each polling...
get_electorate_shapesExtract shapefiles (of Australian electorates) from raw file...
launch_appShiny app for exploring census and electorate data
load_shapefileLoad shapefile of Australia into R
mapping_fnCompute areas of intersection between each election boundary...
nat_data01Data and centroids corresponding to the Australian...
nat_data04Data and centroids corresponding to the Australian...
nat_data07Data and centroids corresponding to the Australian...
nat_data10Data and centroids corresponding to the Australian...
nat_data13Data and centroids corresponding to the Australian...
nat_data16Data and centroids corresponding to the Australian...
nat_data19Data and centroids corresponding to the Australian...
nat_data_downloadDownload a data frame containing electorate centroids
nat_map01Map of Australian Electorates from 2001
nat_map04Map of Australian Electorates from 2004
nat_map07Map of Australian Electorates from 2007
nat_map10Map of Australian Electorates from 2010
nat_map13Map of Australian Electorates from 2013
nat_map16Map of Australian Electorates from 2016
nat_map19Map of Australian Electorates from 2019
nat_map_downloadDownload a data frame containing the polygons of Australian...
sF_downloadDownload SpatialPolygonsDataFrame containing polygons of...
tcpTwo candidate preferred votes for candidates (House of...
tppTwo party preferred votes for candidates in each electorate...
twocand_pollingbooth_downloadDownload two candidate preference voting data from each...
twoparty_pollingbooth_downloadDownload two party preference voting data from each polling...
weighted_avg_censusFunction to compute weighted average of Census information...
weighted_avg_census_sa1Function to compute weighted average of Census information...
eechidna documentation built on Feb. 25, 2021, 5:08 p.m.