eesim: Simulate and Evaluate Time Series for Environmental Epidemiology

Provides functions to create simulated time series of environmental exposures (e.g., temperature, air pollution) and health outcomes for use in power analysis and simulation studies in environmental epidemiology. This package also provides functions to evaluate the results of simulation studies based on these simulated time series. This work was supported by a grant from the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (R00ES022631) and a fellowship from the Colorado State University Programs for Research and Scholarly Excellence.

Package details

AuthorSarah Koehler [aut], Brooke Anderson [aut, cre]
MaintainerBrooke Anderson <>
LicenseGPL (>= 2)
Package repositoryView on CRAN
Installation Install the latest version of this package by entering the following in R:

Try the eesim package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

eesim documentation built on May 2, 2019, 7:30 a.m.