read_ef_files: Load all European Fluxes CSV files in one or more...

Description Usage Arguments Details Value Note Examples


European fluxes CSV files are distributed as one or more zip-compressed files from . Once unzipped, all CSV files are to be found in uniquely identifed directories.


read_ef_files(dirs = getwd(), only_level = NULL, only_aggr = NULL, ...)



a vector of directories where fluxes files are looked for. Defaults to current directory.


levels of fluxes files (defaults to NULL). Allowed levels are (currently) 3 and 4. When NULL, either L3 and L4 files are looked for.


aggregations of data (defaults to NULL). Allowed aggregations are (currently) "h" (half-hourly) and "d" (daily). When NULL, either "d" and "h" files are looked for.


additional arguments to be passed to read_ef_file, specifically fill_value


All CSV files in that or those directories will be loaded and returned as a single row-wise bound data frame. The function assumes the file name regular expression pattern is like ^[A-Z]{4}_EC_Ln_a_[A-Z]{2}[a-ZA-Z]{3}_20[0-9]{2}_v[0-9]{2}\.txt$ where n is level [1-4] and a is aggregation period [hdwm] (optionally given as function arguments)


a data frame of 3 variables: level, aggr, and fluxes. fluxes is a dataframe that binds the rows of all fluxes files imported for each level/aggregation combination found. Additional columns to fluxes include metadata parsed from the file names: For levels 3 and 4: project, level, aggr, country_id, site_id, year, version, pathname, dirname For level 2: project, level, type, country_id, site_id, year, version, time_res, pathname, dirname


Files in the same directory may belong to different aggregation/level combinations. The returned dataframe will keep aggregation/level combinations in separate rows.

For semi-hourly L4 aggregation (i.e. "h" aggregation in file name) the last row is reported as month 1, day 1, hour 00:00. A normal date conversion would convert this date to be the very first half-hour of the current year whereas it should be the very first half-hour of the following year. Therefore a class date field ('efreader_date') is added to the returned data frame holding the correct date (ie: January 1st of the following year).


dir_name <- system.file(package = "efreadr", "examples")

efreadr documentation built on May 2, 2019, 7:28 a.m.