Man pages for eivtools
Measurement Error Modeling Tools

deconv_npmleNonparametric MLE deconvolution under heteroskedastic normal...
eivregErrors-in-variables (EIV) linear regression
get_bugs_wishart_scalematCompute a BUGS-compliant scale matrix for a Wishart prior...
lr_ancovaLatent Regression for Group Effects with Latent...
model.matrix.eivlm'model.matrix' method for objects of class 'eivlm'.
print.eivlm'print' method for objects of class 'eivlm'.
print.summary.eivlm'print' method for objects of class 'summary.eivlm'.
summary.eivlm'summary' method for objects of class 'eivlm'.
testscoresExample longitudinal test score data
vcov.eivlm'vcov' method for objects of class 'eivlm'.
eivtools documentation built on May 1, 2019, 9:52 p.m.