Man pages for emdi
Estimating and Mapping Disaggregated Indicators

benchmark_emdiBenchmark Function
combine_dataCombines Sample and Population Data
compareCompare Function
compare_plotShows Plots for the Comparison of Estimates
compare_predCompare Predictions of Model Objects
data_transformationTranforms Dependent Variables
directDirect Estimation of Disaggregated Indicators
ebpEmpirical Best Prediction for Disaggregated Indicators
emdiA package for estimating and mapping disaggregated indicators
emdiObjectFitted emdiObject
emdi_summariesSummarizes an emdiObject
estimatorsPresents Point, MSE and CV Estimates
eusilcA_popSimulated eusilc data - population data
eusilcA_popAggSimulated eusilc data - aggregated population data
eusilcA_proxProximity matrix for spatial area-level models
eusilcA_smpSimulated eusilc data - sample data
eusilcA_smpAggSimulated eusilc data - aggregated sample data
fhStandard and Extended Fay-Herriot Models for Disaggregated...
fixefExtract Fixed Effects from an emdi Object
getDataExtract emdi Object Data
getGroupsExtract Grouping Factors from an emdi Object
getGroupsFormulaExtract Grouping Formula from an emdi Object
getResponseExtract Response Variable from an emdi Object
getVarCovExtract Variance-covariance Matrix from an emdi Object
intervalsConfidence Intervals on Coefficients of an emdi Object
load_shapeaustriaLoading the Shape File for Austrian Districts
map_plotVisualizes regional disaggregated estimates on a map
plot.emdiPlots for an emdi Object
predict.emdiPredictions from emdi Objects
qqnorm.emdiQuantile-quantile Plots for an emdi Object
ranefExtract Random Effects of emdi Objects
spatialcor.testsSpatial Autocorrelation Tests
stepStep Function
write.excelExports an emdiObject to an Excel File or OpenDocument...
emdi documentation built on Nov. 5, 2023, 5:07 p.m.