
#'@title Perform Ensemble modelling using Caret Package.
#'@description Take any number of Machine Learning Models as Base Models and one Machine Learning Model as Top model to produce an ensemble of models.
#'@param training a dataset containing the outcome varable with all other independent variables.
#'@param testing a dataset containing all the independent variable columns as well as outcome variable column with NULL values i.e. must have same no. of columns as the training dataset
#'@param outcomeName the column name associated with outcome variable in the training dataset.
#'@param BaseModels character string vector containing the names of all base models as in 'caret package' desired to be used for ensembling.
#'@param TopModel name of the model as in 'caret package' that is wished to be used on top.
#'@return predictions the estimated outcome variables column for testing dataset.
#' data(iris)
#' preds <- ensemble(iris[1:125,],iris[125:150,],'Species',c('treebag','rpart'),'rpart')
#' table(preds)


  predictors <- names(training)[!names(training) %in% outcomeName]

  for(i in 1:length(BaseModels))

    model <- caret::train(training[,predictors], training[,outcomeName], method=BaseModels[i])

    testing[,(ncol(testing)+1)] <- caret::predict.train(object=model, testing[,predictors])

    training[,(ncol(training)+1)] <- caret::predict.train(object=model, training[,predictors])


  predictors <- names(training)[!names(training) %in% outcomeName]

  model_final <- caret::train(training[,predictors], training[,outcomeName], method=TopModel)

  predictions <- caret::predict.train(object=model_final, testing[,predictors])



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ensembleR documentation built on May 1, 2019, 7:49 p.m.