Man pages for envDocument
Document the R Working Environment

collapseInfoCollapse list of enviornment information into a single data...
env_docReport the working environment in which an analysis was...
envDocument-packageDocument the environment under which an analysis was...
getDominoInfoGet information about a Domino Datalab run from environment...
getGitInfoGet git repository information for a script
getPackageInfoGet information on attached packages
getRepoLocate the git repository where a file is tracked
get_RversionGet information on R version
getScriptInfoGet information about the calling script
getScriptPathGet the path of the calling script
getSysInfoGet system information.
infoNotFoundReturn a consistent failure result when something is not...
prettyPrintInfoOutput environment information as individual tables per...
remoteInfoLook up remotes for repository
envDocument documentation built on Aug. 20, 2019, 1:03 a.m.