Man pages for envnames
Keep Track of User-Defined Environment Names

addressCall the C function address() that retrieves the memory...
check_environmentCheck whether a string corresponds to the name of an...
check_object_existsCheck if an object exists in a given environment
check_object_with_pathCheck if an object name contains a valid environment path
clean_up_matching_environmentsClean up the list of environments matching a memory address...
collapse_root_and_memberPut together a root name with a member name
crawl_envsCrawl environments in search of user environments
crawl_envs_in_envCrawl an environment in search of user environments
destandardize_env_nameDe-standardize the name of an environment
environment_nameRetrieve the name of an environment
envnames-packageTrack user-defined environment names
extract_root_and_last_memberExtract the last member in a string representing an object
get_environment_nameGet the name of an environment when the address-name lookup...
get_env_namesCreate a lookup table with address-name pairs of environments
get_envs_in_envFind user environments inside another user environment
get_fun_callingReturn the name of a calling function with its context or...
get_fun_calling_chainReturn the chain of calling functions
get_fun_envReturn the execution environment of a function
get_fun_nameReturn the name of the current function or a calling function...
get_namespace_addressesReturn the memory address of namespace environments in the...
get_namespace_namesReturn the names that can be used to load all the namespace...
get_obj_addressReturn the memory address of an object
get_obj_addresses_from_obj_namesGet the object addresses given their object names
get_objects_in_packageGet the objects defined in a given package's namespace
get_obj_nameReturn the name of an object at a given parent generation...
get_obj_valueReturn the value of the object at a given parent generation...
get_searchpath_environment_addressesReturn the system and package environments in the search path
get_user_environment_names_in_envLook for user environments defined inside an environment
get_user_environment_names_in_search_pathLook for user environments defined inside any of the...
get_user_environments_in_user_envs_recursivelyGet the user environments defined recursively within the...
is_logicalCheck whether an object contains a valid logical value
is_memory_addressCheck whether a string is a memory address
is_null_or_naCheck whether an object is NULL or NA.
is_stringCheck whether an object is a string.
obj_findFind an object in the workspace including user-defined...
parse_memory_addressParse a string that represents a memory address
reset_option_warnResets the "warn" option to the value stored in the hidden...
set_option_warn_to_nowarningSet the "warn" options to -1 to avoid warning messages. The...
standardize_env_nameStandardize the name of a named environment
testenvEnvironment used in testing the package
unlist_with_namesCall unlist and preserve the names
envnames documentation built on Dec. 8, 2020, 9:07 a.m.