Man pages for envoutliers
Methods for Identification of Outliers in Environmental Data

boxcoxTransformBox-Cox transformation of data - Only intended for developer...
changepointChangepoint analysis - Only intended for developer use
changepoint.plotChangepoint outlier detection plot - Only intended for...
chebyshev.inequality.detectChebyshev inequality based identification of outliers on...
controlchart.plotControl chart outliers detection plot - Only intended for...
control.limits.RLimits for control chart _R_ - Only intended for developer...
control.limits.sLimits for control chart _s_ - Only intended for developer...
control.limits.xLimits for control chart _x_ - Only intended for developer...
EV.plotExtreme value outlier detection plot - Only intended for...
extremal.index.censoredExtremal index estimation (Holesovsky and Fusek, 2020) - Only...
extremal.index.gomesExtremal index estimation (Gomes, 1993) - Only intended for...
extremal.index.intervalsExtremal index estimation (Ferro and Segers, 2003) - Only...
extremal.index.KgapsExtremal index estimation (Suveges and Davison, 2010) - Only...
extremal.index.runsExtremal index estimation (Smith and Weissman, 1994) - Only...
extremal.index.sliding.blocksExtremal index estimation (Northrop, 2015) - Only intended...
find.alphaParameter _alpha_ for Quantiles of normal distribution based...
find.LParameter L for Chebyshev inequality based outlier detection...
get.normTable of Control Charts Constants - Only intended for...
grubbs.detectGrubbs test based identification of outliers on segments -...
grubbs.testOutlier detection using Grubbs test - Only intended for...
KRDetect.outliers.changepointIdentification of outliers using changepoint analysis
KRDetect.outliers.controlchartIdentification of outliers using control charts
KRDetect.outliers.EVIdentification of outliers using extreme value theory
KRDetect.outliers.plotOutlier detection plot
mc.leftLeft medcouple (LMC) - Only intended for developer use
mc.rightRight medcouple (RMC) - Only intended for developer use
mc.testRobust medcouple MC-LR test - Only intended for developer use
Moment.gpd.fitMoment estimates of GP distribution parameters - Only...
MRL.plotMean residual life (MRL) plot
normal.distr.quantiles.detectNormal distribution based identification of outliers on...
plot.KRDetectOutlier detection plot
return.level.estReturn level estimation - Only intended for developer use
segment.length.controlSegment length control - Only intended for developer use
smoothingKernel regression smoothing
stability.plotStability plot
summary.KRDetectSummary of the outlier detection results
envoutliers documentation built on July 2, 2020, 3:25 a.m.