Man pages for eoffice
Export or Graph and Tables to 'Microsoft' Office and Import Figures and Tables

col2hexcol2hex gplots
convertplotconvert basic plot to ggplot object
dot-getextget the suffix name
dot-getfilenameget the prefix name
dot-setcolnamesset first row as column name
dot-theme_blankblank theme
indocxread table from docx
infigureimport figures and extract the colors used in the figures
inofficeread tables from ppt and word
inpptxread table from pptx
todocxexport figure to docx
tofficeexport graph to MS office
tofigureoutput figures to different formats
tohtmlexport as plotly html (only support ggplot2 object)
topptxexport figure to pptx
totablewrite table out to pptx or docx
toxlsxexport figure to pptx
eoffice documentation built on Oct. 5, 2022, 9:05 a.m.