Man pages for epanet2toolkit
Call 'EPANET' Functions to Simulate Pipe Networks

ENaddcontrolAdd a new simple control
ENaddcurveAdds a new data curve to a project.
ENadddemandAppends a new demand to a junction node demands list.
ENaddlinkAdd a link to the network
ENaddnodeAdds a new node
ENaddpatternAdd a new time pattern
ENaddruleAdds a new rule-based control to a project
ENclearreportClears the contents of a project's report file.
ENcloseClose down the EPANET Toolkit system.
ENcloseHclose hydraulics engine
ENcloseQClose water quality analysis and free allocated memory
ENcopyreportCopies the current contents of a project's report file to...
ENdeletecontrolDeletes an existing simple control
ENdeletecurveDeletes a data curve from a project
ENdeletedemandDelete a demand from a junction node
ENdeletelinkDelete a link from the project.
ENdeletenodeDeletes a node
ENdeletepatternDelete a new time pattern
ENdeleteruleDeletes an existing rule-based control
ENgetaveragepatternvalueGet average of all time factors in a pattern
ENgetbasedemandGets the base demand for one of a node's demand categories.
ENgetcoordGet coordinates for a node
ENgetcountGet number of network elements.
ENgetcurveidRetrieves the ID name of a curve given its index.
ENgetcurveindexRetrieves the index of a curve given its ID name.
ENgetcurvelenRetrieves the number of points in a curve.
ENgetcurvetypeRetrieves a curve's type
ENgetcurvevalueRetrieves the value of a single data point for a curve.
ENgetdemandindexRetrieves the index of a node's named demand category
ENgetdemandmodelGet type of demand model in use and its parameters
ENgetdemandnameRetrieves the name of a node's demand category.
ENgetdemandpatternGets the base demand for one of a node's demand categories.
ENgetelseactionGets the properties of an ELSE action in a rule-based...
ENgeterrorReturns the text of an error message generated by an error...
ENgetflowunitsRetrieve a code number indicating the units used to express...
ENgetheadcurveindexRetrieves index of head curve used by a pump
ENgetlinkidRetrieve the ID label of a link
ENgetlinkindexRetrieve the index of a link
ENgetlinknodesRetrieve the index of the end nodes of a link
ENgetlinktypeRetrieve the type code for a link
ENgetlinkvalueRetrieve parameter value for a link
ENgetnodeidRetrieve the ID label a node.
ENgetnodeindexRetrieve the index of a node
ENgetnodetypeRetrieve the node-type code
ENgetnodevalueRetrieve node parameter value.
ENgetnumdemandsGet number of demands for a junction node
ENgetoptionRetrieve the value of an analysis option.
ENgetpatternidRetrieve the ID label a time pattern
ENgetpatternindexRetrieve the index a time pattern.
ENgetpatternlenRetrieve the number of time periods in a time pattern.
ENgetpatternvalueRetrieve the multiplier factor for a specific time period
ENgetpremiseGets the properties of a premise in a rule-based control.
ENgetpumptypeRetrieves type of head curve used by a pump
ENgetqualinfoGet quality analysis information
ENgetqualtypeRetrieve the type of water quality analysis called for.
ENgetresultindexRetrieves the order in which a node or link appears in an...
ENgetruleRetrieves summary information about a rule-based control.
ENgetruleIDGets the ID name of a rule-based control given its index.
ENgetstatisticAnalysis convergence statistics.
ENgetthenactionGets properties of THEN action in rule-based control
ENgettimeparamGet the value of one or more specific analysis time...
ENgetversionRetrieve the current version number of the EPANET Toolkit.
ENgetvertexGet vertex coordinates
ENgetvertexcountGet number of vertices for a link
ENinitHInitialize hydraulic engine
ENinitQInitialize water quality analysis
ENnextHdetermine the next hydraulic step
ENnextQAdvances WQ simulation to start of the next hydraulic time...
ENopenOpen the EPANET Toolkit.
ENopenHOpen hydraulics analysis system.
ENopenQSets up for Water Quality analysis
ENreportWrite simulation report to the report file
ENresetreportResets a project's report options to their default values.
ENrunHrun hydraulics engine
ENrunQComputs WQ results at current time .
ENsaveHENsaveH Saves hydraulic results to binary file
ENsavehydfileSaves temporary hydraulics file to disk
ENsaveinpfileENaveinpfile Saves current data to "INP" formatted text file.
ENsetbasedemandSets the base demand for one of a node's demand categories.
ENsetcontrolSet the parameters of a simple control statement
ENsetcoordSet coordinates for a node
ENsetcurveidChanges the ID name of a data curve given its index.
ENsetcurvevalueSets the value of a single data point for a curve.
ENsetdemandmodelSets the type of demand model to use and its parameters.
ENsetdemandnameSets the name of a node's demand category.
ENsetdemandpatternSets the index of a time pattern used for one of a node's...
ENsetelseactionSet properties of an ELSE action in a rule-based control
ENsetflowunitsSets flow units.
ENsetheadcurveindexSets index of head curve used by a pump
ENsetjuncdataSets properties for a junction
ENsetlinkidChange the ID of a link
ENsetlinknodesSet the indexes of a link's start- and end-nodes
ENsetlinktypeChange a link's type
ENsetlinkvalueSet a parameter value for a link
ENsetnodeidChanges the ID name of a node
ENsetnodevalueSet the parameter value for a node.
ENsetoptionSet the value of a particular analysis option.
ENsetpatternSet all of the multiplier factors for a specific time...
ENsetpatternidChange the ID name of a time pattern given its index.
ENsetpatternvalueset pattern value
ENsetpremiseSets the properties of a premise in a rule-based control.
ENsetpremiseindexSets the index of an object in a premise of a rule-based...
ENsetpremisestatusSets the status being compared to in a premise of a...
ENsetpremisevalueSets the value in a premise of a rule-based control
ENsetqualtypeSet the type of water quality analysis called for.
ENsetreportProcesses a reporting format command.
ENsetruleprioritySets the priority of a rule-based control.
ENsetstatusreportSets the level of hydraulic status reporting.
ENsettankdataSets properties for a tank
ENsetthenactionSet properties of THEN action in a rule-based control
ENsettimeparamSet the value of a time parameter.
ENsetverticesSet a link's vertices
ENsolveQSolve network water quality for all time periods
ENstepQAdvances WQ simulation one water quality time step.
ENusehydfileUses previously saved binary hydraulics file to supply a...
epanet2toolkit documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8:40 a.m.