ENaddcontrol | Add a new simple control |
ENaddcurve | Adds a new data curve to a project. |
ENadddemand | Appends a new demand to a junction node demands list. |
ENaddlink | Add a link to the network |
ENaddnode | Adds a new node |
ENaddpattern | Add a new time pattern |
ENaddrule | Adds a new rule-based control to a project |
ENclearreport | Clears the contents of a project's report file. |
ENclose | Close down the EPANET Toolkit system. |
ENcloseH | close hydraulics engine |
ENcloseQ | Close water quality analysis and free allocated memory |
ENcopyreport | Copies the current contents of a project's report file to... |
ENdeletecontrol | Deletes an existing simple control |
ENdeletecurve | Deletes a data curve from a project |
ENdeletedemand | Delete a demand from a junction node |
ENdeletelink | Delete a link from the project. |
ENdeletenode | Deletes a node |
ENdeletepattern | Delete a new time pattern |
ENdeleterule | Deletes an existing rule-based control |
ENepanet | ENepanet |
ENgetaveragepatternvalue | Get average of all time factors in a pattern |
ENgetbasedemand | Gets the base demand for one of a node's demand categories. |
ENgetcontrol | ENgetcontrol |
ENgetcoord | Get coordinates for a node |
ENgetcount | Get number of network elements. |
ENgetcurveid | Retrieves the ID name of a curve given its index. |
ENgetcurveindex | Retrieves the index of a curve given its ID name. |
ENgetcurvelen | Retrieves the number of points in a curve. |
ENgetcurvetype | Retrieves a curve's type |
ENgetcurvevalue | Retrieves the value of a single data point for a curve. |
ENgetdemandindex | Retrieves the index of a node's named demand category |
ENgetdemandmodel | Get type of demand model in use and its parameters |
ENgetdemandname | Retrieves the name of a node's demand category. |
ENgetdemandpattern | Gets the base demand for one of a node's demand categories. |
ENgetelseaction | Gets the properties of an ELSE action in a rule-based... |
ENgeterror | Returns the text of an error message generated by an error... |
ENgetflowunits | Retrieve a code number indicating the units used to express... |
ENgetheadcurveindex | Retrieves index of head curve used by a pump |
ENgetlinkid | Retrieve the ID label of a link |
ENgetlinkindex | Retrieve the index of a link |
ENgetlinknodes | Retrieve the index of the end nodes of a link |
ENgetlinktype | Retrieve the type code for a link |
ENgetlinkvalue | Retrieve parameter value for a link |
ENgetnodeid | Retrieve the ID label a node. |
ENgetnodeindex | Retrieve the index of a node |
ENgetnodetype | Retrieve the node-type code |
ENgetnodevalue | Retrieve node parameter value. |
ENgetnumdemands | Get number of demands for a junction node |
ENgetoption | Retrieve the value of an analysis option. |
ENgetpatternid | Retrieve the ID label a time pattern |
ENgetpatternindex | Retrieve the index a time pattern. |
ENgetpatternlen | Retrieve the number of time periods in a time pattern. |
ENgetpatternvalue | Retrieve the multiplier factor for a specific time period |
ENgetpremise | Gets the properties of a premise in a rule-based control. |
ENgetpumptype | Retrieves type of head curve used by a pump |
ENgetqualinfo | Get quality analysis information |
ENgetqualtype | Retrieve the type of water quality analysis called for. |
ENgetresultindex | Retrieves the order in which a node or link appears in an... |
ENgetrule | Retrieves summary information about a rule-based control. |
ENgetruleID | Gets the ID name of a rule-based control given its index. |
ENgetstatistic | Analysis convergence statistics. |
ENgetthenaction | Gets properties of THEN action in rule-based control |
ENgettimeparam | Get the value of one or more specific analysis time... |
ENgettitle | ENgettitle |
ENgetversion | Retrieve the current version number of the EPANET Toolkit. |
ENgetvertex | Get vertex coordinates |
ENgetvertexcount | Get number of vertices for a link |
ENinit | ENinit |
ENinitH | Initialize hydraulic engine |
ENinitQ | Initialize water quality analysis |
ENnextH | determine the next hydraulic step |
ENnextQ | Advances WQ simulation to start of the next hydraulic time... |
ENopen | Open the EPANET Toolkit. |
ENopenH | Open hydraulics analysis system. |
ENopenQ | Sets up for Water Quality analysis |
ENreport | Write simulation report to the report file |
ENresetreport | Resets a project's report options to their default values. |
ENrunH | run hydraulics engine |
ENrunQ | Computs WQ results at current time . |
ENsaveH | ENsaveH Saves hydraulic results to binary file |
ENsavehydfile | Saves temporary hydraulics file to disk |
ENsaveinpfile | ENaveinpfile Saves current data to "INP" formatted text file. |
ENsetbasedemand | Sets the base demand for one of a node's demand categories. |
ENsetcontrol | Set the parameters of a simple control statement |
ENsetcoord | Set coordinates for a node |
ENsetcurveid | Changes the ID name of a data curve given its index. |
ENsetcurvevalue | Sets the value of a single data point for a curve. |
ENsetdemandmodel | Sets the type of demand model to use and its parameters. |
ENsetdemandname | Sets the name of a node's demand category. |
ENsetdemandpattern | Sets the index of a time pattern used for one of a node's... |
ENsetelseaction | Set properties of an ELSE action in a rule-based control |
ENsetflowunits | Sets flow units. |
ENsetheadcurveindex | Sets index of head curve used by a pump |
ENsetjuncdata | Sets properties for a junction |
ENsetlinkid | Change the ID of a link |
ENsetlinknodes | Set the indexes of a link's start- and end-nodes |
ENsetlinktype | Change a link's type |
ENsetlinkvalue | Set a parameter value for a link |
ENsetnodeid | Changes the ID name of a node |
ENsetnodevalue | Set the parameter value for a node. |
ENsetoption | Set the value of a particular analysis option. |
ENsetpattern | Set all of the multiplier factors for a specific time... |
ENsetpatternid | Change the ID name of a time pattern given its index. |
ENsetpatternvalue | set pattern value |
ENsetpremise | Sets the properties of a premise in a rule-based control. |
ENsetpremiseindex | Sets the index of an object in a premise of a rule-based... |
ENsetpremisestatus | Sets the status being compared to in a premise of a... |
ENsetpremisevalue | Sets the value in a premise of a rule-based control |
ENsetqualtype | Set the type of water quality analysis called for. |
ENsetreport | Processes a reporting format command. |
ENsetrulepriority | Sets the priority of a rule-based control. |
ENsetstatusreport | Sets the level of hydraulic status reporting. |
ENsettankdata | Sets properties for a tank |
ENsetthenaction | Set properties of THEN action in a rule-based control |
ENsettimeparam | Set the value of a time parameter. |
ENsetvertices | Set a link's vertices |
ENsolveH | ENsolveH |
ENsolveQ | Solve network water quality for all time periods |
ENstepQ | Advances WQ simulation one water quality time step. |
ENusehydfile | Uses previously saved binary hydraulics file to supply a... |
epanet2toolkit | epanet2toolkit |
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