timeset: Timeset formats for specifying dates

timesetR Documentation

Timeset formats for specifying dates


Many API calls accept timesets to specify the time ranges of data being requested. Timesets can be specified with epirange(), as Date objects, or with wildcards.


Timesets are not special R types; the term simply describes any value that is accepted by epidatr to specify the time value of an epidata query:

  • Dates: Date instances.

  • Date strings or integers: Strings or integers in the format YYYYMMDD.

  • Epiweeks: Strings or integers in the format YYYYWW, where WW is the epiweek number.

  • EpiRanges: A range returned by epirange(), or a list of multiple ranges.

  • Wildcard: The string "*", which requests all available time values.

Refer to the specific endpoint documentation for guidance on using dates vs weeks. Most endpoints support only one or the other. Some (less commonly used) endpoints may not accept the "*" wildcard, but this can be simulated with a large epirange().

epidatr documentation built on June 22, 2024, 9:15 a.m.