Man pages for epifit
Flexible Modelling Functions for Epidemiological Data Analysis

AIC.epifitFunction for calculating Akaike's 'An Information Criterion'...
calcAgeCalculate the difference between two date in terms of unit of...
convertFromFactorConvert factor variable to numeric or character variable.
convertNAConvert a character pattern or numeric value into NA and vice...
countNACount NAs in variables.
epifitModel fitting function for epifit package
epifit-packageFlexible Modelling Functions for Epidemiological Data...
extractVariableExtract variables according to mode from data.frame.
getIndexGet index by specifying cut points
listNumericIncompatibilityList incompatible values when converted into numeric values.
modesGet the type or storage mode of an object.
print.epifitPrint function for epifit object.
pullOneValuePull one set of values from variables included in data which...
pytableMake person-year table from individual data
removeVariableRemove variables containing NaNs or NAs from data.frames.
selectByIndexSelect objects by their position.
selectVariableSelect variables to keep or drop.
showContentsShow variable information in data.frame
strscanExtract words from a string vector.
epifit documentation built on May 29, 2017, 3:43 p.m.