morphing_epw: Morphing EPW weather variables

Description Usage Arguments Details Value References


morphing_epw() takes an epw_cmip6_data object generated using extract_data() and calculates future core EPW weather variables using Morphing Method.





An epw_cmip6_dataobject generated using extract_data()


An integer vector indicating the target years to be considered. If NULL, all years in input data will be considered. Default: NULL.


A character or factor vector used for grouping input years. Usually are the outputs of base::cut(). labels should have the same length as years. If given, climate data of years grouped by labels will be averaged. Default: NULL.


A named character giving the methods of morphing procedures of each variables. Possible variable names are tdb, rh, p, hor_ir, glob_rad, wind. Possible values are: "stretch", "shift" and "combined". For example: c(tdb = "stretch", rh = "shift"). "combined" is only applicable to tdb. The default morphing method for each variable is listed in the Return section. If NULL, the default methods will be used. Default: NULL.


The EPW weather variables that get morphed are listed in details.


An epw_cmip6_morphed object, which is basically a list of 12 elements:

No. Element Type Morphing Method Description
1 epw eplusr::Epw N/A The original EPW file used for morphing
2 tdb data.table::data.table() Stretch Data of dry-bulb temperature after morphing
3 tdew data.table::data.table() Derived Data of dew-point temperature after morphing
4 rh data.table::data.table() Stretch Data of relative humidity after morphing
5 p data.table::data.table() Stretch Data of atmospheric pressure after morphing
6 hor_ir data.table::data.table() Stretch Data of horizontal infrared radiation from the sky after morphing
7 glob_rad data.table::data.table() Stretch Data of global horizontal radiation after morphing
8 norm_rad data.table::data.table() Derived Data of direct normal radiation after morphing
9 diff_rad data.table::data.table() Stretch Data of diffuse horizontal radiation after morphing
10 wind data.table::data.table() Stretch Data of wind speed after morphing
11 total_cover data.table::data.table() Derived Data of total sky cover after morphing
12 opaque_cover data.table::data.table() Derived Data of opaque sky cover after morphing

Each data.table::data.table() listed above contains x columns

No. Column Type Description
1 activity_drs Character Activity DRS (Data Reference Syntax)
2 institution_id Character Institution identifier
3 source_id Character Model identifier
4 experiment_id Character Root experiment identifier
5 member_id Character A compound construction from sub_experiment_id and variant_label
6 table_id Character Table identifier
7 lat Double The averaged values of input latitude
8 lon Double The averaged values of input longitude
9 interval Factor The year value of data morphed
10 Variable Name Double The morphed data, where Variable Name is the corresponding EPW weather variable name
11 delta Double The shift factor. Will be NA for derivied values
12 alpha Double The stretch factor. Will be NA for derivied values


Belcher, S., Hacker, J., Powell, D., 2005. Constructing design weather data for future climates. Building Services Engineering Research and Technology 26, 49–61.

epwshiftr documentation built on May 26, 2021, 5:08 p.m.