Man pages for equSA
Learning High-Dimensional Graphical Models

alarmOne example dataset for p-plearning algorithm.
combineRCombine two networks.
Cont2GausA transfomation from count data into Gaussian data
ContSimA simulation method for generating count data from...
ContTranA data continuized transformation
countAn example of count dataset for constructing network
DAGsimSimulate a directed acyclic graph with mixed data (gaussian...
diffRDetect difference between two networks.
equSA-packageGraphical model has been widely used in many scientific...
equSARAn equvalent mearsure of partial correlation coeffients
GauSimSimulate centered Gaussian data from multiple types of...
GGMMLearning high-dimensional Gaussian Graphical Models with...
GraphIROLearning high-dimensional Gaussian Graphical Models with...
JGGMJoint estimation of Multiple Gaussian Graphical Models
JMGMJoint Mixed Graphical Models
MNRMarkov Neighborhood Regression for High-Dimensional...
MulpvalMultiple hypothesis tests for p values
pcorselRMultiple hypothesis test
plearn.moralLearning Moral graph based on p-learning algorithm.
plearn.structInfer network structure for mixed types of random variables.
plotGraphPlot Single Network
plotJGraphPlot Networks
psicalA calculation of psi scores.
SimGraDatSimulate Incomplete Data for Gaussian Graphical Models
SimHetDatSimulate Heterogeneous Data for Gaussian Graphical Models
SimMNRSimulate Data for high-dimensional inference
solcovCalculate covariance matrix and precision matrix
SR0One example dataset for psi-learning alogorithm
TR0One example dataset for psi-learning alogorithm
equSA documentation built on May 6, 2019, 1:06 a.m.