Man pages for erp.easy
Event-Related Potential (ERP) Data Exploration Made Easy

butterflyGenerate a butterfly plot for a specified condition
dif.waveCalculate a difference waveform from two data sets
easy.loadAn even easier way to import your data!
ERPdataERP example data
erp.easyerp.easy: A user-friendly package for exploring event-related...
grandaveragePlot the grand average waveform for all loaded conditions
individualReturn individual average raw data and plotted waveforms...
load.dataImport your ERP data files.
m.measuresCalculate grand average and individual mean amplitudes and...
mosaicCreate average waveform plots for each subject in a single,...
p.measuresCalculate grand average and individual peak amplitude and...
erp.easy documentation built on May 2, 2019, 9:15 a.m.