Man pages for esquisse
Explore and Visualize Your Data Interactively

bs_theme_esquisseBootstrap Theme for Esquisse
build_aesBuild aesthetics to use in a plot
dragulaInputDrag And Drop Input Widget
dropInputDropdown Input
esquisseExplore and Visualize Your Data Interactively
esquisse-deprecatedDeprecated functions
esquisse-exportsesquisse exported operators and S3 methods
esquisse-moduleEsquisse module
esquisserAn add-in to easily create plots with ggplot2
geomsPotential geometries according to the data
ggcallGenerate code to create a 'ggplot2'
ggplot-outputRender 'ggplot' module
ggplot_to_pptUtility to export ggplot objects to PowerPoint
input-colorsPicker input to select color(s) or palette
match_geom_argsMatch list of arguments to arguments of geometry
safe_ggplotSafely render a 'ggplot' in Shiny application
save-ggplot-moduleSave 'ggplot' module
updateDragulaInputUpdate Dragula Input
updateDropInputChange the value of a drop input on the client
which_pal_scaleAutomatically select appropriate color scale
esquisse documentation built on Sept. 18, 2024, 5:09 p.m.