valid_year_month: Ensure that years and months are within a certain time span

View source: R/utils.R

valid_year_monthR Documentation

Ensure that years and months are within a certain time span


Ensure that years and months are within a certain time span


valid_year_month(years, months, begin = "1870-01-01", end = Sys.Date())



a numeric vector of years


a numeric vector of months


the earliest valid date, defaults to the UNIX epoch


the most recent valid date, defaults to today


Often, a data source will begin and end at known points in time. At the same time, many data sources are divided into monthly archives. Given a set of years and months, any combination of which should be considered valid, this function will return a data.frame in which each row is one of those valid year-month pairs. Further, if the optional begin and end arguments are specified, the rows will be filter to lie within that time interval. Furthermore, the first and last day of each month are computed.


a data.frame with four variables: year, month, month_begin (the first day of the month), and month_end (the last day of the month).


valid_year_month(years = 1999:2001, months = c(1:3, 7))

# Mets in the World Series since the UNIX epoch
mets_ws <- c(1969, 1973, 1986, 2000, 2015)
valid_year_month(years = mets_ws, months = 10)

# Mets in the World Series during the Clinton administration
if (require(ggplot2)) {
  clinton <- filter(presidential, name == "Clinton")
  valid_year_month(years = mets_ws, months = 10,
    begin = clinton$start, end = clinton$end)

etl documentation built on Oct. 13, 2023, 1:08 a.m.