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etcd R client

etcd is a key-value DB written in Go. It has an HTTP API, which this R package wraps.

etcd API docs

Development follows closely the newest version of etcd released by the Coreos folks. As of 2016-09-07 that's etcd v3.0.7

Installing etcd

See the etcd Github repo for help on installing etcd.

There are various ways to install it, and they depend on your operating sytsem.

You can install via homebrew, install from source, and via Docker.

Start etcd

at the command line


how to start etcd may differ depending on your setup

Installing etseed

Install etseed


Development version


Make a client

First task when using this package is to initialize a client with the etcd() function. it's a wrapper around an R6 class.

(client <- etcd())
#> <etcd client>
#>   host:
#>   port: 2379
#>   api_version: v2
#>   scheme: http
#>   allow redirect: TRUE

Default settings in etcd() connect you to localhost, and port 2379, using etcd API version 2, with an http scheme.

Get version

#> $etcdserver
#> [1] "3.0.7"
#> $etcdcluster
#> [1] "3.0.0"

Create a directory

client$create("/neighbor", dir = TRUE)
#> $action
#> [1] "set"
#> $node
#> $node$key
#> [1] "/neighbor"
#> $node$dir
#> [1] TRUE
#> $node$modifiedIndex
#> [1] 156
#> $node$createdIndex
#> [1] 156

Create a key

client$create(key = "/mykey", value = "this is awesome")
#> $action
#> [1] "set"
#> $node
#> $node$key
#> [1] "/mykey"
#> $node$value
#> [1] "this is awesome"
#> $node$modifiedIndex
#> [1] 158
#> $node$createdIndex
#> [1] 158

Use ttl parameter to make it dissappear after x seconds

client$create(key = "/stuff", value = "tables", ttl = 5)
#> $action
#> [1] "set"
#> $node
#> $node$key
#> [1] "/stuff"
#> $node$value
#> [1] "tables"
#> $node$expiration
#> [1] "2016-09-07T17:21:08.993528228Z"
#> $node$ttl
#> [1] 5
#> $node$modifiedIndex
#> [1] 159
#> $node$createdIndex
#> [1] 159

And the key will be gone after 5 seconds, see:

#> Error in etcd_GET(sprintf("%s%s/%s/", etcdbase(), "keys", key), ...) :
#>   client error: (404) Not Found

Update a key

Create a key

client$create(key = "/foo", value = "bar")
#> $action
#> [1] "set"
#> $node
#> $node$key
#> [1] "/foo"
#> $node$value
#> [1] "bar"
#> $node$modifiedIndex
#> [1] 161
#> $node$createdIndex
#> [1] 161

Then update the key

client$update(key = "/foo", value = "bar stool")
#> $action
#> [1] "set"
#> $node
#> $node$key
#> [1] "/foo"
#> $node$value
#> [1] "bar stool"

Create in-order keys

client$create_inorder("/queue", "thing1")
#> $action
#> [1] "create"
#> $node
#> $node$key
#> [1] "/queue/00000000000000000163"
#> $node$value
#> [1] "thing1"
#> $node$modifiedIndex
#> [1] 163
#> $node$createdIndex
#> [1] 163
client$create_inorder("/queue", "thing2")
#> $action
#> [1] "create"
#> $node
#> $node$key
#> [1] "/queue/00000000000000000164"
#> $node$value
#> [1] "thing2"
#> $node$modifiedIndex
#> [1] 164
#> $node$createdIndex
#> [1] 164
client$create_inorder("/queue", "thing3")
#> $action
#> [1] "create"
#> $node
#> $node$key
#> [1] "/queue/00000000000000000165"
#> $node$value
#> [1] "thing3"
#> $node$modifiedIndex
#> [1] 165
#> $node$createdIndex
#> [1] 165

List keys

#> $action
#> [1] "get"
#> $node
#> $node$dir
#> [1] TRUE
#> $node$nodes
#> $node$nodes[[1]]
#> $node$nodes[[1]]$key

List a key

#> $action
#> [1] "get"
#> $node
#> $node$key
#> [1] "/mykey"
#> $node$value
#> [1] "this is awesome"
#> $node$modifiedIndex
#> [1] 158
#> $node$createdIndex
#> [1] 158



Try the etseed package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

etseed documentation built on May 2, 2019, 10:20 a.m.