Man pages for evalITR
Evaluating Individualized Treatment Rules

AUPECEstimation of the Area Under Prescription Evaluation Curve...
AUPECcvEstimation of the Area Under Prescription Evaluation Curve...
compute_qoiCompute Quantities of Interest (PAPE, PAPEp, PAPDp, AUPEC,...
compute_qoi_userCompute Quantities of Interest (PAPE, PAPEp, PAPDp, AUPEC,...
consistcv.testThe Consistency Test for Grouped Average Treatment Effects...
consist.testThe Consistency Test for Grouped Average Treatment Effects...
create_ml_argsCreate general arguments
create_ml_args_bartCreate arguments for bartMachine
create_ml_args_bartcCreate arguments for bartCause
create_ml_args_causalforestCreate arguments for causal forest
create_ml_args_lassoCreate arguments for LASSO
create_ml_args_superLearnerCreate arguments for super learner
create_ml_args_svmCreate arguments for SVM
create_ml_args_svm_clsCreate arguments for SVM classification
create_ml_argumentsCreate arguments for ML algorithms
estimate_itrEstimate individual treatment rules (ITR)
evaluate_itrEvaluate ITR
fit_itrEstimate ITR for Single Outcome
GATEEstimation of the Grouped Average Treatment Effects (GATEs)...
GATEcvEstimation of the Grouped Average Treatment Effects (GATEs)...
hetcv.testThe Heterogeneity Test for Grouped Average Treatment Effects...
het.testThe Heterogeneity Test for Grouped Average Treatment Effects...
PAPDEstimation of the Population Average Prescription Difference...
PAPDcvEstimation of the Population Average Prescription Difference...
PAPEEstimation of the Population Average Prescription Effect in...
PAPEcvEstimation of the Population Average Prescription Effect in...
PAVEstimation of the Population Average Value in Randomized...
PAVcvEstimation of the Population Average Value in Randomized...
plot_estimatePlot the GATE estimate
plot.itrPlot the AUPEC curve
starTennessee’s Student/Teacher Achievement Ratio (STAR) project
summary.itrSummarize estimate_itr output
summary.test_itrSummarize test_itr output
test_itrConduct hypothesis tests
evalITR documentation built on Aug. 26, 2023, 1:08 a.m.