lh: Calculate Log-likelihoods

lhR Documentation

Calculate Log-likelihoods


Calculate log-likelihoods for the gev, order statistics or point process models.


pplik(par, data, thresh, noy, trend, exact = FALSE)
gevlik(par, data, trend)
gpdlik(par, data, trend)
oslik(par, data, trend) 



If trend is missing, should be a numeric vector of length three, containing the location, scale and shape parameters. If trend is not missing, should be a numeric vector of length four, containing the location intercept, scale, shape and location trend parameters, in that order.


For pplik, gevlik and gpdlik; a non-empty numeric vector containing the data at which the likelihood is evaluated, possibly containing missing values. For oslik; a numeric matrix (see the user's guide).


Threshold. Typically a single number or a vector of the same length as data.


Number of years/periods of observations, excluding any missing values.


Trend vector (optional). If given, should be the same length as data for pplik and gevlik. For oslik, should contain one value for each row of data.


In general, the point process likelihood includes an approximation to an integral. If exact is TRUE, every value in trend and thresh is used for the approximation.


See the user's guide.


A numeric vector.


These functions are essentially internal, and need not be called by the user. They are documented only because their arguments (excluding par) can be passed to posterior.

See Also

posterior, prior.prob

evdbayes documentation built on March 7, 2023, 5:34 p.m.

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