evian_linear_raw: Example dataset with a quantative outcome.

Description Usage Details


This dataset included the genotypic and phenotypic information of 781 individuals in proper formats. This dataset is used together with evian_linear_bim to illustrate how to use the main function evian.




This is an example dataset for evian function. It contained 781 individuals, and for each of the individuals, their genotype at 10 SNPs and a continuous outcome (Y_norma) were stored. Three additional covariates (Fev, BMI_group, Age_group) were provided as well. Specifically, our function can incorporate with related individuals, some of these individuals in the dataset are correlated with others, and are specified through the FID column. This is usually what a plink .raw file looks like.

evian documentation built on May 23, 2019, 5:02 p.m.