Man pages for exPrior
Prior Distributions Using a Bayesian Hierarchical Framework

cap_priorcalculates the prior according to the Carsel and Parrish...
df_porosity566 porosity values
genExPriorprior using from external data
goodness_of_fittests goodness of fit to normal distribution
johnson_lnlog transform
johnson_sblog ratio transform
johnson_suhyperbolic arcsine transform
KL_divergenceKullback-Leibler divergence
KS_distanceKolmogorov-Smirnov distance
multiplotmultiplot function
normalize_pdfNormalize a pdf
plotExDataplot histogram of measurements
plotExPriorplot ex-situ prior
plotHyperDistplot prior and posterior distribution of hyperparameters
smooth_pdfSmooths a pdf
exPrior documentation built on Nov. 15, 2019, 1:07 a.m.