uccle720: 20th century Uccle maximum daily temperatures in July - data...

uccle720R Documentation

20th century Uccle maximum daily temperatures in July - data frame


The dataframe uccle720 contains daily maximum temperatures in degrees C recorded at the Uccle, Belgium during July for the years 1901 to 1999. The Station identifier in the source file is 17 and the Source identifier is 117882. These data are analysed in Holesovsky and Fusek (2020).




A data frame with 3100 observations on the following and 5 variables.

  • temp: daily maximum temperature in degrees C.

  • year: the year.

  • month: the month of the year.

  • day: day of the month.

  • date: date with the Date class, in the format YYYY-MM-DD.


There are 6 missing values, one located in each of the years 1925, 1926, 1956, 1963, 1969 and 1976.


Klein Tank, A.M.G. and Coauthors, 2002. Daily dataset of 20th-century surface air temperature and precipitation series for the European Climate Assessment. Int. J. of Climatol., 22, 1441-1453 \Sexpr[results=rd]{tools:::Rd_expr_doi("10.1002/joc.773")}. Data and metadata available at https://www.ecad.eu. The data were downloaded on 27/3/2022 using a Custom query (ASCII), selecting "non-blend" for type of series.


Holesovsky, J. and Fusek, M. Estimation of the extremal index using censored distributions. Extremes, 23, 197-213 (2020). \Sexpr[results=rd]{tools:::Rd_expr_doi("10.1007/s10687-020-00374-3")}


uccle720_ts <- ts(uccle720$temp, start = c(1901, 1), frequency = 31)
plot(uccle720_ts, ylab = "daily maximum temperature in July / degrees C",
     xlab = "year")

exdex documentation built on May 29, 2024, 2:15 a.m.