Man pages for expDB
Database for Experiment Dataset

dbAddDesignsAdd design for a trial
dbAddFertilizationInsert or Update fertilization into expDB
dbAddGeneAdd gene information into database
dbAddGeneAlleleAdd gene allele information into database
dbAddGenotypeAdd genotypes into expDB
dbAddIrrigatonsInsert or Update irrigation into expDB
dbAddLogAdd log from expDB
dbAddMethodsInsert or Update methods into expDB
dbAddMetsInsert and update met into expDB
dbAddNodesAdd nodes into expDB
dbAddPhenotypeAdd design for a trial
dbAddResearcherInsert and update researcher into expDB
dbAddSitesInsert or update site into expDB
dbAddSourceInsert and update source into expDB
dbAddTraitsInsert or update trait into expDB
dbAddTrialsInsert or Update trial into expDB
dbAddTrialSoilAdd soil for a trial
dbAddWeatherAdd weather records into expDB
dbAppendTableAppend a table into db and check the column name
dbExportMetExport trials weather records to met file
dbGenotypeCheckNameCheck genotype names
dbGetDryWeightPerStemGet the dry weight per stem
dbGetFertilizationGet fertilization from database
dbGetFieldMaturityEstimation of maturity
dbGetFieldPopulationEstimation of plant populations
dbGetFieldStemNumberEstimation of stem number per unit area
dbGetFieldTillerNumberEstimation of tiller number per unit area
dbGetGeneGet the gene information
dbGetGenotypeGet the genotype information
dbGetIrrigationGet irrigation from database
dbGetLogGet log from expDB
dbGetMetInfoGet met information
dbGetOrganFinalLeafNumberGet the final leaf number
dbGetOrganHaunIndexGet Haun Index
dbGetPhenotypeGet phenotype values through a group of conditions
dbGetPlantFloweringEstimation of flowering time
dbGetPlantHeadingEstimation of heading time
dbGetPlantStemElongationEstimation of stem elongation
dbGetPlantStemNumberEstimation of stem number per plant
dbGetPlantTillerNumberEstimation of tiller number per plant
dbGetSitesGet site into expDB
dbGetSourceGet source from expDB
dbGetTraitsGet trait list
dbGetTrialsGet trials by a groups of conditions.
dbGetWeatherGet weather records from expDB
dbGetZadoksStageObtain the key phenology stage
dbImportXLSXImport data from excel file
dbInsertUpdateByRowInsert new rows or update existing rows to a specific table...
dbListTrialsList all trials
expdbConnectConnect to expDB
expdbCreateDBcreate to expDB
expdbDisconnectDidconnect to expDB
getIdByUniqueIndexGet index id by unique_columns.
harvestQuadratDetailProcess quadrat (detail) harvestQuadratDetail
expDB documentation built on Oct. 9, 2021, 1:07 a.m.