Man pages for experiment
R Package for Designing and Analyzing Randomized Experiments

ATEboundsBounding the Average Treatment Effect when some of the...
ATEclusterEstimation of the Average Treatment Effects in...
ATEnocovEstimation of the Average Treatment Effect in Randomized...
ATOPnoassumptionBounding the ATOP when some of the Outcome Data are Missing...
ATOPobsSensitivity analysis for the ATOP when some of the Outcome...
ATOPsensSensitivity analysis for the ATOP when some of the Outcome...
AUPECEstimation of the unnormalized Area Under Prescription...
CACEclusterEstimation of the Complier Average Causal Effects in...
CADErandRandomization-based method for the complier average direct...
CADEregRegression-based method for the complier average direct...
NoncompLIBayesian Analysis of Randomized Experiments with...
PAPDEstimation of the Population Average Prescription Difference...
PAPEEstimation of the Population Average Prescription Effect in...
randomizeRandomization of the Treatment Assignment for Conducting...
seguroData from the Mexican universal health insurance program,...
experiment documentation built on April 13, 2022, 1:06 a.m.