Tips & tricks"

  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>"

Count with percent

A classic count() returns the number of observations.

data <- use_data_penguins()
data %>% count(island)

To add percent values, simply use count_pct() from {explore}.

data %>% count_pct(island)

Add id

data %>% glimpse()

To add an id variable, simply use add_var_id() from {explore}.

data %>% add_var_id() %>% glimpse()

User defined report

Create a user defined report (RMarkdown template) to explore your own data.

  output_dir = tempdir(),
  output_file = "notebook-explore.Rmd")

Data Dictionary

Create a Data Dictionary of a data set (Markdown File

```{R eval=FALSE, echo=TRUE} iris %>% data_dict_md(output_dir = tempdir())

Add title, detailed descriptions and change default filename

```{R eval=FALSE, echo=TRUE}
description <- data.frame(
                  variable = c("Species"), 
                  description = c("Species of Iris flower"))
             title = "iris flower data set", 
             description =  description, 
             output_file = "",
             output_dir = tempdir())

Basic data cleaning

Rename variable

data <- use_data_titanic(count = FALSE)
data <- data %>% clean_var(Age, name = "age")

Replace NA values

data <- use_data_beer()
data %>% describe(energy_kcal_100ml)
data <- data %>% clean_var(energy_kcal_100ml, na = 42)
data %>% describe(energy_kcal_100ml)

Set min max values

data <- create_data_person()
data %>% describe(age)
data <- data %>% clean_var(age, min_val = 20, max_val = 80)
data %>% describe(age)

Rescale 0 to 1

data %>% describe(income)
data <- data %>% clean_var(income, rescale01 = TRUE)
data %>% describe(income)

Cleaning text

data[1, "handset"] <- " android "
data[2, "handset"] <- "ANDROID"
data %>% describe(handset)
data <- data %>% clean_var(handset, simplify_text = TRUE)
data %>% describe(handset)

Try the explore package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

explore documentation built on Oct. 11, 2023, 9:07 a.m.