Man pages for expperm
Computing Expectations and Marginal Likelihoods for Permutations

AA small random matrix
BGThe Brualdi-Gibson method for computing an expected...
BG_cppThe Brualdi-Gibson method for computing an expected...
bruteBrute-force calculation of an expected permutation matrix
brute_cppBrute-force calculation of an expected permutation matrix...
df1A small data frame of simulated records
df2A (second) small data frame of simulated records
expperm-packageComputing Expectations and Marginal Likelihoods for...
is.tridiagonalChecking a matrix is tridiagonal
ryserThe Ryser method for computing an expected permutation matrix
ryser_cppThe Ryser method for computing an expected permutation matrix...
sinkA variational approximation of an expected permutation matrix
sink_cppA variational approximation of an expected permutation matrix...
triAA small random tridiagonal matrix
expperm documentation built on May 29, 2019, 1:02 a.m.