Man pages for extWeibQuant
Estimate Lower Extreme Quantile with the Censored Weibull MLE and Censored Weibull Mixture

bootstrapCenWbMixBootstrap Censored Weibull Mixture for censoring threshold...
bootstrapCMLEBootstrap Censored Weibull MLE for censoring threshold...
cenWbMLE.T1censored Weibull MLE for Type I right-censored data
cenWbMLE.T2censored Weibull MLE for Type II right-censored data
emCenWbMix.T1EM algorithm for the Type-I right censored Weibull Mixture...
emCenWbMix.T2EM algorithm for the Type-II right censored Weibull Mixture...
quanWbMixCalculate the quantiles of a mixture of two Weibull...
simWbMixSimulate data from a mixture of two Weibull distributions
extWeibQuant documentation built on May 1, 2019, 10:31 p.m.