
#' Heart Attack Data
#' A dataset containing 4,483 rows about heart attack victims.
#' @format A data frame with 4,483 rows and 11 variables:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{death}{1 - Death within 48 hours of myocardial infarction onset. 0 - otherwise.}
#'   \item{anterior}{1 - anterior infarction. 0 - inferior infarction}
#'   \item{hcabg}{1 - Medical history of cardiac bypass surgery. 0 - otherwise}
#'   \item{kk1}{1 - Killip class 1. 0 - otherwise}
#'   \item{kk2}{1 - Killip class 2. 0 - otherwise}
#'   \item{kk3}{1 - Killip class 3. 0 - otherwise}
#'   \item{kk4}{1 - Killip class 4. 0 - otherwise}
#'   \item{age1}{1 - Patient age less than 60. 0 - otherwise}
#'   \item{age2}{1 - Patient age between 60 and 69 inclusive. 0 - otherwise}
#'   \item{age3}{1 - Patient age between 70 and 79 inclusive. 0 - otherwise}
#'   \item{age4}{1 - Patient age 80 or higher. 0 - otherwise}
#' }
#' @source Hardin, James William., and Joseph Hilbe. Generalized Linear Models and Extensions. Stata Press, 2012.
#' Dataset can be downloaded at \url{https://www.stata-press.com/data/glmext.html}
#' @details The raw dataset is minimally modified in this package. Rows containing
#' missing values were removed. The center variable was dropped. This data is
#' referred to as "heart01" in Generalized Linear Models and Extensions book.
#' @usage data(heart)

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