Man pages for exvatools
Value Added in Exports and Other Input-Output Table Analysis Tools

bkdGet block diagonal matrix
bkdiagDiagonalize blocks of a block matrix
bkoffdGet block off-diagonal matrix
bktBlock transpose matrix
bkttBlock transpose matrix with transposed blocks
csumsSum matrix columns and assign name to resulting row
diagcsDiagonalize the sums of columns of a matrix
dmultMultiply a diagonal matrix by another matrix
get_dataGet data from different exvatools objects
get_exvadec_bkdownGet a summary decomposition of value added in exports
get_geo_codesGet the ISO3 codes of standard country groups
get_sec_codesGet the ISO3 codes of standard sector groups
get_va_exgrDetailed origin and destination of value added in gross...
get_va_exgryDetailed origin and final absorption of value added in gross...
get_va_fdValue added induced by final demand
get_xmatrixGet extraction matrix.
hmultHadamard product of matrices
iciotest_dataICIO-type input-output table example data
info_geoShow available countries and country groups in a specific...
info_secShow available sectors and sector groups included in a...
make_custom_wioMake standard world input-output matrices from custom data
make_exvadecDecomposition of value added in exports using different...
make_exvadirDirection (detailed origin and destination) of value added in...
make_wioMake standard world input-output matrices from source files
meldMeld ICIO-type matrix (consolidating China and Mexico...
multdMultiply a matrix by a diagonal matrix
print.exvadecPrint method for 'exvadec' class
print.exvadirPrint method for 'exvadir' class
print.wioPrint method for 'wio' class
rsumsSum matrix rows and assign name to resulting column
set_zeroSet to zero specific rows and columns of a matrix
sumgcolsSum groups of columns of a matrix and name the resulting...
sumgrowsSum groups of rows of a matrix and name the resulting rows
summary.exvadecSummary method for 'exvadec' class
summary.exvadirSummary method for 'exvadir' class
summary.wioSummary method for 'wio' class
sumncolSum every nth column of a matrix and name the resulting...
sumnrowSum every nth row of a matrix and name the resulting rows
wiodtest_dataWIOD-type input-output table example data
exvatools documentation built on May 29, 2024, 6:46 a.m.