make_wio: Make standard world input-output matrices from source files

View source: R/make_wio.R

make_wioR Documentation

Make standard world input-output matrices from source files


Creates a list object of class wio containing the typical international input-output matrices in a standardized format, as well as a list of code names (countries, sectors and demand components) and a list of dimensions (number of countries, sectors and demand components). It can use source files from well-known databases or internal data (test data).


make_wio(wiotype = "icio2023", year = NULL, src_dir = NULL, quiet = FALSE)



String specifying the name and edition of the input-output tables to be used: * "icio2023" for the 2023 edition of the OECD ICIO tables (1995-2020) and "icio2023s" for the small format of the same edition. The deprecated editions "icio2021" (1995-2018), "icio2018" (1995-2011) and "icio2016"(2005-2015) remain available for literature replication purposes. * "wiod2016" for the 2016 edition of the WIOD tables (2000-2014). The deprecated edition "wiod2013" (1995-2011) remains available for literature replication purposes. * "lrwiod2022" for the 2022 edition of the long-run WIOD (1965-2000), useful for historical analysis. * "figaro2023i" for the 2023 edition of the FIGARO EU Input-Output Tables (EU IC-SUIOTs), industry-by-industry (2010-2021), and "figaro2023p" for the product-by-product version of the same database.The deprecated edition of 2022 (2010-2020) remains available for literature replication purposes. * "mrio2023" for the 2023 edition of the 62-country ADB MRIO tables, "mrio2023k" for the same edition in constant prices, and "mrio2023x" for the 72-country edition (years up to 2022). * "iciotest" for an example of an ICIO-type international input-output table (disaggregated for MEX into MX1 and MX2 and for CHN into CN1 and CN2) and "wiodtest" for an example of a WIOD-type international input-output table (not disaggregated). Data for these tables is not real, but these small input-output tables are useful for didactic purposes and to check the functionality of the program.


Integer specifying reference year. If NULL (default), the last available year of the specified database will be used.


String specifying the source directory where the source file of the international input-output tables is saved, normally as a zip file (containing .csv files, .RData or .xlsx files, see Details). In order for make_wio() to work, these zip files should not be renamed. If src_dir is not specified, make_wio() will look in the working directory.


Boolean, if TRUE suppress all status messages. Default is FALSE, i.e., messages are shown.


make_wio() directly unzips and processes the original source files for the different international input-output tables and returns a list with the traditional matrices, including the coefficient matrix A, the Leontief global inverse matrix B, the Leontief matrix of local inverse matrices Ld and others.

Original source files can be obtained from the OECD's ICIO web page, the University of Groningen's WIOD web page, the Eurostat web page or the Asian Development Bank MRIO web page

If source files are used, they must be previously downloaded and placed in an accessible folder in disk, without renaming them. The following name pattern is expected:

  • for "icio2023" (.csv files)

  • for "icio2023s" (.csv files)

  • for "icio2021" (.csv files)

  • for "icio2018" (.csv files)

  • for "icio2016" (.csv files)

  • for "wiod2016" (.RData files)

  • for "wiod2013" (.xlsx files). Requires package openxlsx..

  • lr_wiod_wiot_final_filled.csv for "lrwiod2022". Requires packages data.table and reshape2.

  • matrix_eu-ic-io_ind-by-ind_23ed_XXXX.csv for ⁠"figaro2023i⁠ and matrix_eu-ic-io_prod-by-prod_23ed_XXXX.csv for ⁠"figaro2023p⁠ (.csv files)

  • ADB-MRIO[XX]-XXXX_xxx2023.xlsx for the "mrio62-2023", "mrio72-2023" and ⁠ADB MRIO XXXX, at constant 2010 prices.xlsx⁠ for the "mrio62-2023k" tables (with some exceptions). The input-output framework follows the traditional demand model of Leontief (1936), which makes assumptions about the stability of inputs (and therefore value-added) as a proportion of production. This allows production and value-added to be expressed as the result of variations in final demand.\ Details about the content of the world input-output object (wio) produced by make_wio() can be obtained with the command summary(wio_object).


A list object of class wio including input-output matrices, dimensions, and names.

See Also



wio <- make_wio("iciotest")
## Not run: 
# The following examples require the previous download of the source
# files in the working directory or in a directory specified by `src_dir`.
wio <- make_wio("icio2023", 2020)
wio <- make_wio("wiod2021", 2018)
wio <- make_wio("wiod2023", 2020, src_dir = "C:/Users/John/R/")

## End(Not run)

exvatools documentation built on May 29, 2024, 6:46 a.m.