#' Make standard world input-output matrices from source files
#' Creates a list object of class `wio` containing the typical
#' international input-output matrices in a standardized format, as well as a
#' list of code names (countries, sectors and demand components) and a list
#' of dimensions (number of countries, sectors and demand components). It
#' can use source files from well-known databases or internal data (test
#' data).
#' @param wiotype String specifying the name and edition of the
#' input-output tables to be used:
#' * `"icio2023"` for the 2023 edition of the OECD ICIO tables
#' (1995-2020) and `"icio2023s"` for the small format of the same edition.
#' The deprecated editions `"icio2021"` (1995-2018),
#' `"icio2018"` (1995-2011) and `"icio2016"`(2005-2015) remain
#' available for literature replication purposes.
#' * `"wiod2016"` for the 2016 edition of the WIOD tables
#' (2000-2014). The deprecated edition `"wiod2013"` (1995-2011)
#' remains available for literature replication purposes.
#' * `"lrwiod2022"` for the 2022 edition of the long-run WIOD
#' (1965-2000), useful for historical analysis.
#' * `"figaro2024i"` for the 2024 edition of the FIGARO EU Input-Output
#' Tables (EU IC-SUIOTs), industry-by-industry (2010-2021), and
#' `"figaro2024p"` for the product-by-product version of the same
#' database.The deprecated editions of 2023 and 2022
#' remain available for literature replication purposes.
#' * `"mrio2024"` for the 2024 edition of the 62-country ADB MRIO tables.
#' `"mrio2023"` for the 2023 edition of the 62-country ADB MRIO tables,
#' `"mrio2023k"` for the 2023 edition in constant prices
#' `"mrio2024x"` for the 72-country edition (years up to 2023).
#' `"mrio2023x"` for the 72-country edition (years up to 2022).
#' * `"iciotest"` for an example of an ICIO-type international
#' input-output table (disaggregated for `MEX` into `MX1` and `MX2` and
#' for `CHN` into `CN1` and `CN2`) and `"wiodtest"` for an example of a
#' WIOD-type international input-output table (not disaggregated). Data
#' for these tables is not real, but these small input-output tables
#' are useful for didactic purposes and to check the functionality of
#' the program.
#' @param src_dir String specifying the source directory where the source file
#' of the international input-output tables is saved, normally as a zip file
#' (containing `.csv` files, `.RData` or `.xlsx` files, see Details). In
#' order for `make_wio()` to work, these zip files should not be renamed.
#' If `src_dir` is not specified, `make_wio()` will look in the
#' working directory.
#' @param year Integer specifying reference year. If `NULL` (default),
#' the last available year of the specified database will be used.
#' @param quiet Boolean, if `TRUE` suppress all status messages. Default
#' is `FALSE`, i.e., messages are shown.
#' @details
#' `make_wio()` directly unzips and processes the original source files
#' for the different international input-output tables and returns a list
#' with the traditional matrices, including the coefficient matrix `A`, the
#' Leontief global inverse matrix `B`, the Leontief matrix of local inverse
#' matrices `Ld` and others.
#' Original source files can be obtained from the OECD's
#' [ICIO web page](,
#' the University of Groningen's
#' [WIOD web page](, the
#' [Eurostat web page](
#' or the [Asian Development Bank MRIO web page](
#' If source files are used, they must be previously downloaded and
#' placed in an accessible folder in disk, without renaming them. The
#' following name pattern is expected:
#' * `` for `"icio2023"` (`.csv` files)
#' * `` for `"icio2023s"` (`.csv` files)
#' * `` for `"icio2021"` (`.csv` files)
#' * `` for `"icio2018"` (`.csv` files)
#' * `` for `"icio2016"` (`.csv` files)
#' * `` for `"wiod2016"` (`.RData` files)
#' * `` for `"wiod2013"` (`.xlsx` files). Requires
#' package `openxlsx`.
#' * `lr_wiod_wiot_final_filled.csv` for `"lrwiod2022"`. Requires
#' packages `data.table` and `reshape2`.
#' * `matrix_eu-ic-io_ind-by-ind_2Xed_XXXX.csv` for `"figaro202Xi` and
#' `matrix_eu-ic-io_prod-by-prod_2Xed_XXXX.csv` for `"figaro202Xp`
#' (`.csv` files).
#' * `ADB-MRIO[XX]-XXXX_xxx2023.xlsx` for the `"mrio62-202X"`, `"mrio72-202X"`
#' and `ADB MRIO XXXX, at constant 2010 prices.xlsx` for the
#' `"mrio62-202Xk"` tables (with some exceptions).
#' The input-output framework follows the traditional demand model of
#' Leontief (1936), which makes assumptions about the stability of inputs
#' (and therefore value-added) as a proportion of production. This allows
#' production and value-added to be expressed as the result of variations
#' in final demand.
#' Details about the content of the world input-output object (`wio`)
#' produced by `make_wio()` can be obtained with the command
#' `summary(wio_object)`.
#' @seealso [make_custom_wio()]
#' @return A list object of class `wio` including input-output
#' matrices, dimensions, and names.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' wio <- make_wio("iciotest")
#' summary(wio)
#' \dontrun{
#' # The following examples require the previous download of the source
#' # files in the working directory or in a directory specified by `src_dir`.
#' wio <- make_wio("icio2023", 2020)
#' wio <- make_wio("wiod2021", 2018)
#' wio <- make_wio("wiod2023", 2020, src_dir = "C:/Users/John/R/")
#' }
make_wio <- function(wiotype ="icio2023", year = NULL,
src_dir = NULL, quiet = FALSE) {
# Check arguments----
list_args <- c(as.list(environment()))
checked_args <- check_wio_args(list_args)
# Corrected arguments
wiotype <- checked_args$wiotype
year <- checked_args$year
src_dir <- checked_args$src_dir
# Get working directory
wd <- getwd()
if (is.null(src_dir)) {
src_dir <- paste0(wd, "/")
is_icio <- is.icio(wiotype)
# Extraction of Z, Yfd, Y, X, VA----
if (wiotype == "icio2023") {
io <- extract_icio("icio2023", src_dir, year, quiet)
} else if (wiotype == "icio2023s") {
io <- extract_icio("icio2023s", src_dir, year, quiet)
} else if (wiotype == "icio2021") {
io <- extract_icio("icio2021", src_dir, year, quiet)
} else if (wiotype == "icio2018") {
io <- extract_icio("icio2018", src_dir, year, quiet)
} else if (wiotype == "icio2016") {
io <- extract_icio("icio2016", src_dir, year, quiet)
} else if (wiotype == "iciotest") {
io <- generate_test_iot(is_icio = TRUE, quiet)
} else if (wiotype == "wiod2016") {
io <- extract_wiod("wiod2016", src_dir, year, quiet)
} else if (wiotype == "wiod2013") {
io <- extract_wiod("wiod2013", src_dir, year, quiet)
} else if (wiotype == "lrwiod2022") {
io <- extract_lrwiod2022(src_dir, year, quiet)
} else if (wiotype == "figaro2024i") {
io <- extract_figaro("figaro2024i", src_dir, year, quiet)
} else if (wiotype == "figaro2024p") {
io <- extract_figaro("figaro2024p", src_dir, year, quiet)
} else if (wiotype == "figaro2023i") {
io <- extract_figaro("figaro2023i", src_dir, year, quiet)
} else if (wiotype == "figaro2023p") {
io <- extract_figaro("figaro2023p", src_dir, year, quiet)
} else if (wiotype == "figaro2022i") {
io <- extract_figaro("figaro2022i", src_dir, year, quiet)
} else if (wiotype == "figaro2022p") {
io <- extract_figaro("figaro2022p", src_dir, year, quiet)
} else if (wiotype == "mrio2024") {
io <- extract_mrio("mrio2024", src_dir, year, quiet)
} else if (wiotype == "mrio2023") {
io <- extract_mrio("mrio2023", src_dir, year, quiet)
} else if (wiotype == "mrio2023k") {
io <- extract_mrio("mrio2023k", src_dir, year, quiet)
} else if (wiotype == "mrio2024x") {
io <- extract_mrio("mrio2024x", src_dir, year, quiet)
} else if (wiotype == "mrio2023x") {
io <- extract_mrio("mrio2023x", src_dir, year, quiet)
} else if (wiotype == "wiodtest") {
io <- generate_test_iot(is_icio = FALSE, quiet)
# Get dimensions----
G <- io$dims$G
N <- io$dims$N
FD <- io$dims$FD
GX <- io$dims$GX
GN <- io$dims$GN
GXN <- io$dims$GXN
GFD <- io$dims$GFD
# Get io names----
g_names <- io$names$g_names
gx_names <- io$names$gx_names
n_names <- io$names$n_names
fd_names <- io$names$fd_names
gn_names <- io$names$gn_names
gxn_names <- io$names$gxn_names
gfd_names <- io$names$gfd_names
# Get year
year <- io$year
Z <- io$Z
Yfd <- io$Yfd
Y <- io$Y
VA <- io$VA
X <- io$X
# Position of MEX and CHN (icio only)
if (is_icio) {
# With sector
pgn_MEX <- grep("MEX", gxn_names)
pgn_CHN <- grep("CHN", gxn_names)
# pgn_MXall <- c(grep("MX[1-3]{1}", gxn_names))
# pgn_CNall <- c(grep("CN[1-4]{1}", gxn_names))
if (is.iciolong(wiotype)) {
pgn_MXall <- c(grep("MX1|MX2|MX3", gxn_names))
pgn_CNall <- c(grep("CN1|CN2|CN3|CN4", gxn_names))
} else if (is.icioshort(wiotype)) {
pgn_MXall <- c(grep("MX1|MX2", gxn_names))
pgn_CNall <- c(grep("CN1|CN2", gxn_names))
# Countries only
pg_MEX <- grep("MEX", g_names)
pg_CHN <- grep("CHN", g_names)
# pg_MXall <- c(grep("MX[1-3]{1}", gx_names))
# pg_CNall <- c(grep("CN[1-4]{1}", gx_names))
if (is.iciolong(wiotype)) {
pg_MXall <- c(grep("MX1|MX2|MX3", gx_names))
pg_CNall <- c(grep("CN1|CN2|CN3|CN4", gx_names))
} else if (is.icioshort(wiotype)){
pg_MXall <- c(grep("MX1|MX2", gx_names))
pg_CNall <- c(grep("CN1|CN2", gx_names))
# Matrices A, B, V----
if (!quiet) {cli::cli_alert_info("Calculating matrices A, B, V")}
A <- sweep(Z, 2, X, "/")
A[!is.finite(A)] <- 0
A <- as.matrix(A)
B <- solve(diag(GXN) - A)
B[!is.finite(B)] <- 0
# R solve uses rows of 1s in rows of 0s to guarantee
# non-zero determinant
if (is_icio) {
B[c(pgn_MEX, pgn_CHN), ] <- 0 # Originally 1xN
B <- as.matrix(B)
V <- VA/X
V[!is.finite(V)] <- 0
V <- as.numeric(V)
# Submatrices of Z, A, B and Y----
if (!quiet) {cli::cli_alert_info("Calculating submatrices of Z, A, B and Y")}
Zd <- Ad <- Bd <- if (is_icio) matrix(0, GXN, GXN) else matrix(0, GN, GN)
Yd <- if (is_icio) matrix(0, GXN, G) else matrix(0, GN, G)
Zm <- Z
Am <- A
Bm <- B
Ym <- Y
for(s in 1:G) {
# Determine pgn_s and pg_s
if (is_icio) {
if (s == pg_MEX) {
pgn_s <- pgn_MXall
pg_s <- pg_MEX
} else if (s == pg_CHN) {
pgn_s <- pgn_CNall
pg_s <- pg_CHN
} else {
m <- N*(s - 1) + 1 #Row from
n <- N*(s - 1) + N #Row to
pgn_s <- c(m:n)
pg_s <- s
} else{
m <- N*(s - 1) + 1 #Row from
n <- N*(s - 1) + N #Row to
pgn_s <- c(m:n)
pg_s <- s
Zd[pgn_s, pgn_s] <- Z[pgn_s, pgn_s]
Ad[pgn_s, pgn_s] <- A[pgn_s, pgn_s]
Bd[pgn_s, pgn_s] <- B[pgn_s, pgn_s]
Zm[pgn_s, pgn_s] <- Am[pgn_s, pgn_s] <- Bm[pgn_s, pgn_s] <- 0
Yd[pgn_s, pg_s] <- Y[pgn_s, pg_s]
Ym[pgn_s, pg_s] <- 0
# Local Leontief matrix Ld----
if (!quiet) {cli::cli_alert_info("Calculating local Leontief matrix Ld")}
Ld <- if (is_icio) solve(diag(GXN) - Ad) else solve(diag(GN) - Ad)
# Clean empty rows
if (is_icio) {
Ld[c(pgn_MEX, pgn_CHN), ] <- 0
# Exports matrices EXGR and E----
if (!quiet) {cli::cli_alert_info("Calculating export matrices EXGR and E")}
# We need to meld columns of Z
# First we group column sectors
Zm_meld <- if (is_icio) matrix(0, GXN, GX) else matrix(0, GN, G)
ncou <- ifelse (is_icio, GX, G)
for(i in 1:ncou) {
m <- N * (i - 1) + 1
n <- N * (i - 1) + N
for(j in 1:ncou) {
p <- N * (j - 1) + 1
q <- N * (j - 1) + N
Zm_meld[m:n, j] <- rowSums(Zm[m:n,p:q])
if (is_icio) {
# Meld
Zm_meld[, pg_MEX] <- rowSums(Zm_meld[, pg_MXall])
Zm_meld[, pg_CHN] <- rowSums(Zm_meld[, pg_CNall])
# and remove the columns
Zm_meld <- Zm_meld[, -c(pg_MXall, pg_CNall)]
EXGR <- Zm_meld + Ym
# E
E <- diag(rowSums(EXGR))
# V_hat
W <- diag(V)
# Put V, VA, X as vector matrix (for names)
V <- as.matrix(V)
VA <- as.matrix(VA)
X <- as.matrix(X)
if (!quiet) {cli::cli_alert_info("Preparing output...")}
# Create wio object----
#Create object wio and its names
wio <- list(Z, Zd, Zm, A, Ad, Am,
B, Bd, Bm, Ld,
Yfd, Y, Yd, Ym,
VA, V, W, X, EXGR, E)
wio_names <- c("Z", "Zd", "Zm", "A", "Ad", "Am",
"B", "Bd", "Bm", "Ld",
"Yfd", "Y", "Yd", "Ym",
"VA", "V", "W", "X", "EXGR", "E")
names(wio) <- wio_names
#Name rows and columns----
# Rows (all the same)
wio <- lapply(wio, "rownames<-", if (is_icio) gxn_names else gn_names)
# Columns (depending on dimension)
for(var in wio_names) {
if (var %in% c("Z", "Zd", "Zm", "A", "Ad", "Am",
"B", "Bd", "Bm", "Ld", "W", "E")) {
colnames(wio[[var]]) <- if (is_icio) gxn_names else gn_names
} else if (var %in% c("Yfd")) {
colnames(wio[[var]]) <- gfd_names
} else if (var %in% c("Y", "Yd", "Ym", "EXGR")) {
colnames(wio[[var]]) <- g_names
} else if (var %in% c("VA", "V", "X")) {
colnames(wio[[var]]) <- var
# Metadata (dims and names)----
wio$dims <- list(G, N, FD, GX, GN, GXN, GFD)
names(wio$dims) <- c("G", "N", "FD", "GX", "GN", "GXN", "GFD")
# Names
wio$names <- list(g_names, n_names, fd_names, gx_names,
gn_names, gxn_names, gfd_names)
names(wio$names) <- c("g_names","n_names","fd_names",
"gx_names", "gn_names", "gxn_names",
# Type
wio$type <- wiotype
# Year
wio$year <- year
# Class----
class(wio) <- "wio"
if (!quiet) {cli::cli_alert_success("Done!")}
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