Man pages for fabisearch
Change Point Detection in High-Dimensional Time Series Networks

AALatlasAutomated Anatomical Labeling (AAL) atlas coordinates
AALfmri90 ROI data from the NYU test-retest resting state fMRI data...
adjmatrixAdjacency matrix for the NYU test-restest resting-state fMRI...
detect.cpsMultiple change point detection in the network (or...
est.netSparse network estimation using non-negative matrix...
fabisearchChange Point Detection in High-Dimensional Time Series...
gordatlasGordon atlas coordinates
gordfmri333 ROI data from the NYU test-retest resting state fMRI data...
logSP500Daily adjusted logarithmic returns for the Standard and...
net.3dplot3D network plot of an adjacency matrix between pairs of...
opt.rankFinds the optimal rank for non-negative matrix factorization...
sim2A simulated data set (see simulation 2 from Ondrus et al.,...
fabisearch documentation built on Jan. 12, 2023, 5:08 p.m.