Man pages for fabletools
Core Tools for Packages in the 'fable' Framework

accuracyEvaluate accuracy of a forecast or model
aggregate_indexExpand a dataset to include temporal aggregates
aggregate_keyExpand a dataset to include other levels of aggregation
aggregation-vctrsInternal vctrs methods
agg_vecCreate an aggregation vector
as-dableCoerce to a dable object
as-fableCoerce to a fable object
as_mableCoerce a dataset to a mable
augmentAugment a mable
autoplot.dcmp_tsDecomposition plots
autoplot.fbl_tsPlot a set of forecasts
autoplot.tbl_tsPlot time series from a tsibble
bias_adjustBias adjust back-transformation functions
bottom_upBottom up forecast reconciliation
box_coxBox Cox Transformation
combination_ensembleEnsemble combination
combination_modelCombination modelling
combination_weightedWeighted combination
common_xregsCommon exogenous regressors
componentsExtract components from a fitted model
construct_fcConstruct a new set of forecasts
dableCreate a dable object
dable-vctrsInternal vctrs methods
decomposition_modelDecomposition modelling
directional_accuracy_measuresDirectional accuracy measures
distribution_accuracy_measuresDistribution accuracy measures
distribution_varReturn distribution variable
estimateEstimate a model
fableCreate a fable object
fabletools-packagefabletools: Core Tools for Packages in the 'fable' Framework
fable-vctrsInternal vctrs methods
featuresExtract features from a dataset
features_by_pkgFeatures by package
features_by_tagFeatures by tag
feature_setCreate a feature set from tags
fitted.mdl_dfExtract fitted values from models
forecastProduce forecasts
freq_toolsExtract frequencies for common seasonal periods
generate.mdl_dfGenerate responses from a mable
glanceGlance a mable
hypothesize.mdl_dfRun a hypothesis test from a mable
interpolateInterpolate missing values
interval_accuracy_measuresInterval estimate accuracy measures
is_aggregatedIs the element an aggregation of smaller data
is_dableIs the object a dable
is_fableIs the object a fable
is_mableIs the object a mable
is_modelIs the object a model
MAAPEMean Arctangent Absolute Percentage Error
mableCreate a new mable
mable_varsReturn model column variables
mable-vctrsInternal vctrs methods
middle_outMiddle out forecast reconciliation
min_traceMinimum trace forecast reconciliation
modelEstimate models
model_lhsExtract the left hand side of a model
model_rhsExtract the right hand side of a model
model_sumProvide a succinct summary of a model
new-model-classCreate a new class of models
new_specialsCreate evaluation environment for specials
new_transformationCreate a new modelling transformation
null_modelNULL model
outliersIdentify outliers
parse_modelParse the model specification for specials
parse_model_lhsParse the RHS of the model formula for transformations
parse_model_rhsParse the RHS of the model formula for specials
point_accuracy_measuresPoint estimate accuracy measures
reconcileForecast reconciliation
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
refitRefit a mable to a new dataset
register_featureRegister a feature function
reportReport information about an object
residuals.mdl_dfExtract residuals values from models
responseExtract the response variable from a model
response_varsReturn response variables
scenariosA set of future scenarios for forecasting
skill_scoreForecast skill score measure
special_xregHelper special for producing a model matrix of exogenous...
streamExtend a fitted model with new data
tidyExtract model coefficients from a mable
top_downTop down forecast reconciliation
traverseRecursively traverse an object
unpack_hiloUnpack a hilo column
validate_formulaValidate the user provided model
fabletools documentation built on Oct. 12, 2023, 1:07 a.m.