split_quantile: Split data into quantile buckets (e.g. terciles, quartiles,...

View source: R/variable_creation_functions.R

split_quantileR Documentation

Split data into quantile buckets (e.g. terciles, quartiles, quantiles, deciles).


Survey data is often presented in aggregated, depersonalized form, which can involve binning underlying data into quantile buckets; for example, rather than reporting underlying income, a survey might report income by decile. split_quantile can automatically produce this split using any data x and any number of splits 'type.


split_quantile(x = NULL, type = NULL)



A vector of any type that can be ordered – i.e. numeric or factor where factor levels are ordered.


The number of buckets to split data into. For a median split, enter 2; for terciles, enter 3; for quartiles, enter 4; for quintiles, 5; for deciles, 10.


# Divide this arbitrary data set in 3.
data_input <- rnorm(n = 100)
split_quantile(x = data_input, type = 3)

fabricatr documentation built on May 29, 2024, 7:22 a.m.